Power Ranger Giveaway (Comments/Contest Closed)

We have two winners:
#1: Andrea from ‘The Laughs will go on‘
#2: Outside Voice
All blog posts for the contest were printed and put in a big plastic tupperware bowl. Mr. MK chose winner #1 and Lizzy who should be in bed asleep choose winner #2.
Please email me to claim your prize –> kim (at) mommyknows (dot) com
The folks at Bandai recently sent me Sam a big box of the new Power Ranger Jungle Fury toys to try out. Talk about excited. I took advantage of the situation by making him promise to be good for three whole days, before he could pick one of the three toys to ‘have and to hold’ from this day forward. Really that’s how much he loves Power Rangers.
Of course he wasn’t good for three whole days, but he did try. Just the mention of the Power Rangers could get him walking the straight and narrow pretty darn quick. Oh the power of the parental bribe! Thank you Bandai promotion folks you’ve made at least three of my days easier.
Of course, he chose the biggest and the best of the three toys. The Power Rangers Jungle Fury Jungle Master Megazord (argh … megazord makes me want to say that). Even I have to admit that Megazords are pretty cool. With this particular Megazord, you start with one toy (with a motorized thunder punch – punching is good if you are a megazord battling for the world against evil) and it morphs into three (yes THREE), cool animal zords –> … oh forget it … I’ll just show you instead.
And in no time at all (if you’re a 4 – 9 year old boy), you’ll have three! Antelope Zord, Gorilla Fury Zord and Emperor Penguin Zord (and a penguin launcher!).
It’s very, very popular around here and is now hidden away from Georgia each morning. Yes, that would be the Georgia who likes to scatter the Zords around the house for her lucky brother to scavange around for, when he comes home from school.
Here comes the GOOD Giveaway part –>
I am a good mom (honest) and blogger (really MommyKnows), therefore, I didn’t let my boy have all three toys for himself as Bandai intended. There has to be a limit, right? I thought about giving him the remaining two for Christmas, but that isn’t why the Bandai peeps sent them to me, is it? So I am going to give the other two Ranger toys away to two of you. They’ll make great bribe items or Christmas gifts for you too (or any other holiday you might happen to celebrate).
Jungle Master Bat Ranger (black one) and Rangers Jungle Master Rhino Ranger (white one).
To be eligible to win you must comment on any CURRENT post between now and December, 1st, 2008 @ 9:00 pm MT. You may comment every day. You may double your chances by blogging about the contest on your blog and then coming back here and leaving the url of your post in a comment on a CURRENT post or on this post. I will randomly choose two winners from all the comments.
I will announce the winners as soon as possible after the contest closes (give me an hour or two). You must come back here to see if you have won and claim your prize. You might want to set a reminder to come back here … A LOT of prizes go unclaimed.
Good Luck!
MK xo
If you’ve enjoyed this post, please subscribe to my feed.
If you have a Power Ranger fan in your house, here is some promo information you may find useful.
Bandai is excited to announce the launch of the Power Rangers “Feel the Fury†Sweepstakes and Movie Theater promotions!
Fans can enter at www.bandai.com/powerrangers/feelthefury/ to win one of three grand prizes, including:
– 1 Grand Prize Winner to receive a 2 minute toy aisle shopping spree worth $1,000
– 2 Winners to a 2 minute toy aisle shopping spree worth $250
– 10 Winners will each receive a Power Rangers Jungle Fury Mega Mission Helmet signed by the Red Ranger
All entries must be received by Dec.12, 2008
Also, look for the Power Rangers at a movie theater near you this Fall!
Visit select movie theaters across the US from October 31st through December 4th to see the Jungle Fury Mega Mission Helmet in action and learn about the Power Rangers “Feel the Fury” Sweepstakes!
In select theaters get a “Power Rangers Fun Pack” with the purchase of a child’s movie ticket for G and PG movies! The “Power Ranger Fun Pack” includes a Power Rangers Temporary Tattoo, Jungle Fury Wish List and Jungle Fury Scratcher that reveals discounts on all your favorite Power Rangers toys!
The Toys, Buzz and “Power Rangers Fun Packs” will be in select movie theaters in Boston, MA; Brownville, TX; Chicago, IL; El Paso, TX, Fort Smith, AK; Honolulu, HI; Los Angeles, CA; Miami, FL; Minneapolis, MN; New York, NY, Philadelphia, PA; San Antonio, TX; and San Diego, CA.
outside voice · November 21, 2008 at 12:45 pm
MY SON SAID THAT I MUST COMMENT IMMEDIATELY. So I am commenting. (He is a HUGE Power Rangers fan… ’nuff said.)
outside voice’s last blog post..from the mouths of babes (apparently i’m clueless edition)
Naomi · November 24, 2008 at 7:54 pm
Wow, Jasper would freak out on those. He has a bunch of garage sale robot toys and “bot” is his favorite word…
Naomi’s last blog post..Holding Pattern
Gill · November 25, 2008 at 8:08 am
what will they come up with next? I have a nephew who will love that sort of thing!!
Gill in Canada
Gill’s last blog post..Creamy Mac and Cheese
lucy · November 25, 2008 at 7:58 pm
I just thinl that it is cool that they let you test out the products.
take care and happy turkey day!
lucy’s last blog post..here I am… hiding under a rock…
Tasha · November 25, 2008 at 9:29 pm
I wanted ot ask a question – the pictures aren’t coming up when I read your blog. Did you change something? Maybe I need an update or something……
BlogRoll Call & Roll Call (enter Power Ranger giveaway here) | mommyknows.com · November 20, 2008 at 7:47 pm
[…] be entered to win one of two Power Ranger action figures (includes shipping and handling) in my ‘Power Ranger Giveaway’. If you comment and blog about the Giveaway you’ll receive two entries (too easy). I’ll […]
You Know You Love Me (enter Power Ranger giveaway here) | mommyknows.com · November 21, 2008 at 10:17 am
[…] be entered to win one of two Power Ranger action figures (includes shipping and handling) in my ‘Power Ranger Giveaway’. If you comment and blog about the Giveaway you’ll receive two entries (too easy). I’ll […]
ListMania (enter Power Ranger’s giveaway here) | mommyknows.com · November 22, 2008 at 6:30 pm
[…] be entered to win one of two Power Ranger action figures (includes shipping and handling) in my ‘Power Ranger Giveaway’. If you comment and blog about the Giveaway you’ll receive two entries (too easy). I’ll […]
I’ve been tagged by MommyKnows! Now you’re it… « Keeping up with the Jeanses · November 24, 2008 at 12:51 pm
[…] she alwys has cool stuff to giveaway. This time around we are talking about some serious “Power Rangers” action.  She tagged her blog readers with one of those question lists and I thought it […]
Quote Chain (book giveaway too) | mommyknows.com · November 24, 2008 at 7:29 pm
[…] be entered to win one of two Power Ranger action figures (includes shipping and handling) in my ‘Power Ranger Giveaway’. If you comment and blog about the Giveaway you’ll receive two entries (too easy). I’ll […]
Buried, Boring … that’s Me! | mommyknows.com · November 27, 2008 at 8:37 pm
[…] be entered to win one of two Power Ranger action figures (includes shipping and handling) in my ‘Power Ranger Giveaway’. If you comment and blog about the Giveaway you’ll receive two entries (too easy). I’ll […]
My Very Own … | mommyknows.com · November 28, 2008 at 8:55 pm
[…] be entered to win one of two Power Ranger action figures (includes shipping and handling) in my ‘Power Ranger Giveaway’. If you comment and blog about the Giveaway you’ll receive two entries (too easy). I’ll […]
Goodbye NaBloPoMo | mommyknows.com · November 30, 2008 at 5:22 pm
[…] be entered to win one of two Power Ranger action figures (includes shipping and handling) in my ‘Power Ranger Giveaway’. If you comment and blog about the Giveaway you’ll receive two entries (too easy). I’ll […]
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