Power Ranger Giveaway (Comments/Contest Closed)
Win one of two Power Ranger Jungle Fury Toys.
Win one of two Power Ranger Jungle Fury Toys.
Winner is: Robin in New Jersey —> email me @ kim (@) mommyknows (dot) com. If I was doing NaBloShoeMo instead of NaBloPoMo, I’d tell you all about the shoes I bought today. The ones that are going to transform my ass, thighs, calves and posture. I can already feel Read more…
Winner is: Michelle Boor —> email me @ kim (@) mommyknows (dot) com. National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) begins today. One post everyday for the month of November. Remember, I tried something like this before? I think I managed about 120 days with Blog365; so this should be a piece Read more…
Winner is: Bonnie – email me please Bonnie @ kim (@) mommyknows (dot) com to claim your prize. Before I sold thebabymarketplace, I was always busy. I had an excuse for NOT keeping a tidy and organized house (or so I told myself). Well the excuse is sold (thank GOD) Read more…
I have a SCHWACK of Starbucks $10 Gift Cards to give-away.
Winner is: Justine – Email me @ kim (@) mommyknows (dot) com. Sam and Lizzy were back to school today. I always try to take a first day of school photo. Here is Lizzy’s. HOLY crap … where did my little girl go? All of a sudden she looks like Read more…
Sam the Man! I took this photo of Sam on Saturday, in Canmore along the Bow River. While Mr. MK and Lizzy skied Sam, Georgia and I spent the day throwing rocks, climbing rocks, playing in the park and I managed to sneak in a wee bit of shopping (well Read more…
Have a ‘Cold One’ on me.
Hope you all have a Happy Valentines Day! Did you do anything special?
Winner of the Bical Grippers from this Post is : Lace