Ike is Packing a Punch! (contest continues … more Coffee just comment)

Winner is: Shalet – Please email me @ kim (@) mommyknows.com to claim your prize.
I was going to blog this a.m. about more of my photo’s (yawn)! Really, I know how you feel, I am almost (ALMOST!) starting to bore myself.
I would have shown you a bunch of these. Which, although are pleasing to my eye, are probably a tiny bit over-exposed. It’s better I just lump them all together and give you a quick peek.
Then, I woke up to an email from my sister with the subject line “Neighbors checking their mail!! LOL” and this photo attached.
My sister lives north of New Orleans on Lake Pontchartrain. I assumed these were photos of Gustav she was just getting around to sharing. Unlike Katrina, Gustav’s flood waters only made it to the edge of the porch.
I was surprised (after a couple of back and forth emails), that these aren’t photos of Gustav, it’s Hurricane IKE. That storm that is several hundred miles away heading for Texas did as much flood damage to my sisters property as Gustav.
This is my sister and my (uber-cool) nephews on the front porch (“Hi Guys”).
I am assuming there’s no school today. I guess it’s the water equivalent of a ‘snow day’?
My buddy Heather @ ohmystinkinheck is blogging about Ike as well. She’s has flooding in her area, only it’s NOT water but people. I sure hope people have heeded warnings and are safely out of Ike’s way.
I’m saying my prayers for Texas, will you join me?
All comments and back-links for this post will be entered to win a $10 Starbucks Gift Card (includes shipping and handling) in my ‘Have a Coffee on Me’ Contest. If you comment and blog about the contest you’ll receive two entries (too easy). I have a whole ‘schwack’ of Gift Cards to give away, so make sure and come back often for a chance to ‘have a coffee on me’.
MK xo
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bethany actually · September 12, 2008 at 10:53 am
Wow, I’m glad the water only came up to your sister’s porch! I hope that’s the worst they get of the flooding. I am definitely joining you in prayers.
bethany actually’s last blog post..Marching to her own beat
Cindi · September 12, 2008 at 11:18 am
Hi, I adore the black and white photos! The clothing looks so vintage. Your sister’s home is beautiful! Very Antebellum! I hope you and your family have a delightful weekend…..Cindi
Amy from Texas · September 12, 2008 at 12:21 pm
Wow! That is a lot of water. I hope their house is okay! We are just getting a lot of families evacuating here. The rain will come by Sunday for sure. I’m joining you on that prayer:-)
Amy from Texas’s last blog post..Friday Feature – Kid’s Halloween Costumes – 9.12.08
Jaime S · September 12, 2008 at 12:49 pm
Well at least they have a beautiful house… too bad about all the water. Is there much damage inside the house? Or is it on the exterior only?
Jaime S’s last blog post..I will not complain
Christine L. · September 12, 2008 at 1:10 pm
I can’t even imagine what that much water would be like. Amazing and truly scary. I have a few friends in the Texas area, so I’m thinking of them, too.
P.S. I love the b&w pics. Your daughter is gorgeous!!
Get back with your ex · September 12, 2008 at 1:24 pm
Wow! At first I thought the water was not flood. But eventhough it is flood, the house still looks cool.
Shalet · September 12, 2008 at 4:23 pm
Yikes is more like it! Your poor sister. And your photos – well those are gorgeous!
Shalet’s last blog post..Frugal Friday
San Antonio Lawyer · September 12, 2008 at 7:54 pm
So sad to hear bout the flooding. My prayers are with you.
San Antonio Lawyer’s last blog post..Get Assistance From Lawyers That Care NOW!
kim.mama · September 12, 2008 at 9:37 pm
kim i love all those shots you took. the b/w conversion is nice and contrast-y!
sorry about your sister’s house! holy crap. that is sort of hard to fathom. i hope there isn’t too much damage?
Jamie · September 13, 2008 at 7:39 am
I see stuff like this and I am so thankful that we ‘only’ deal with ice and snow! LOL
Jamie’s last blog post..What brings small children to their knees in gratitude?
ashpags · September 13, 2008 at 6:13 pm
I’m glad that your sister and her family are ok, too! Yeah, Ike did his fair share of damage around here, despite not even technically being very close. So much of the power that had been restored vanished again, but luckily mine didn’t. Our flooding was minor, but I’ve been reading that most of the state is seeing flooding worse than K and R – yuck.
Your sister’s house is gorgeous, by the way. I love the green! My parents’ house in Houston has green shutters, too, so it reminds me of good times. Luckily, the floodwaters near them didn’t get very high, though their power will probably be out for awhile.
And, I don’t think the B&W pics at the top look overexposed, or if they are, it looks nice with the desaturation. =)
ashpags’s last blog post..If you’re not tired of it yet…
Safire · September 13, 2008 at 6:32 pm
Was there any mail to pick up?
Safire’s last blog post..Utah Day 27- No More Fruit Punch For You
katie bowen · September 13, 2008 at 7:26 pm
first, i love your pics…over exposed?? no. they are gorgeous. i want an ounce of that photographic talent you’ve got.
next…YES let’s all pray for those families down there getting Ike..and all of the other storms…i’ll take 4 feet of freshly fallen snow any day.
Michelle · September 13, 2008 at 9:51 pm
That must be scary watching the water slowly rise around your home.
Your pictures are beautiful – we are always more critical of our own work!
bunny · September 14, 2008 at 6:21 am
Your photos are lovely!! And that’s a BEAUTIFUL house!! Hopefully there’s no damage :((
ps: Thank you so much for your vote!! I really appreciate it! xxx
Colleen · September 14, 2008 at 2:45 pm
1st… the black and white shots are gorgeous.
2nd… Wow… the water. I think I’ll stop complaining about the amount of snow we can get. I’ll take blizzards over floods any day.
(And your sister’s house is beautiful!!!)
Colleen’s last blog post..Black Boxes
mama k · September 14, 2008 at 5:08 pm
scary! But the pictures are amazing too. Glad that your sister and her family are ok.
mama k’s last blog post..seriously?
Susy-Q · September 15, 2008 at 5:50 am
I can’t imagine how powerless she must feel with water lapping at her front porch. So many people throughout the world because of the forces of Nature–they are all in my thoughts–including your sis and her uber-cool children!
Carey · September 15, 2008 at 7:54 am
OMG! I hope she didnt have any damage to her house! That must be so upsetting to be living through that. I Hope they are safe, and I will be praying for them.
OMSH · September 15, 2008 at 2:17 pm
Hey, whenever Starbucks gets electricity back I SO WANT a cup of java!
I love the shot of the frilly skirt and combat boots. Very familiar!
mitch of garden furniture · September 19, 2008 at 12:24 am
I feel sorry for your sister, I hope there’s no other damages. also, the black white pictures are great!
Mac@Motorcycle Fairing · October 31, 2008 at 7:50 am
I know how you feel since I experienced a similar situation when I was living in Yucatan Mexico. Hope that by now everything is ok for you and your family.
shelly wagar · December 30, 2008 at 1:18 pm
The boots and skirt are irresistable.
Adam · January 10, 2012 at 8:14 pm
I agree with OMSH, the photo of the frilly boots and combat boots together is absolutely stunning.
Now if only I could find some cheap military boots for my daughters!
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