Happy Book Day to You ~ the Series – the story of Edgar Sawtelle

Introducing –> Happy Book Day to You ~ the Series
Do you remember in December I held a Happy Book Day Giveaway on my birthday? Well I enjoyed it so much (because books are my favorite thing), I thought I’d make it a weekly occurrence. For the next several weeks you can count on a ‘Happy Book Day to You ~ the Series’ giveaway every Tuesday.
This weeks selection is: the story of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski –> it’s good. So, so good. Really, really good. Great even! Don’t fuss if your anti-Oprah, just read the book and pretend she didn’t suggest it to you! Okay? Kay!
Some simple rules and things to remember:
1. This book is second hand. I’ve read it, I liked it and I am giving it to you. Call me cheap, or call me environmentally friendly, I’m not bothered either way. Your choice.
2. Consider passing it forward when you are done, you could even have a giveaway! Remember what goes around comes around.
3. You must come back here to see if you are the winner. I won’t track you down, if you wait to long … I might lend it to a friend or a neighbor and then YOU are out of luck. You need to email me with your address, once I receive it I will pop it in the mail to you at my convenience.
4. To be eligible to win, you need to leave a comment on this post. I’ll pick a winner sometime on Wednesday, January 29th, 2009.
5. Tell a friend –> this isn’t really a rule, but it would be really nice. *wink*
What do you think? Good idea?
What are you reading right now? What would you recommend for me?
* * *
Time’s up / Comments closed – Winner will be announced soon!
MK xo
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Samantha · January 27, 2009 at 8:04 pm
What a great idea!
That book is on my “To Buy/Borrow” list, I’m trying to work my way through Slumdog Millionaire so I can go see the movie.
Samantha · January 27, 2009 at 8:05 pm
Also, I’m a bonehead and confused my Twitter login with my Website address. Goooo team. :)
Samantha’s last blog post..A Different Box
Michelle · January 27, 2009 at 8:20 pm
Cool! I love hand me down books! or any books for that matter. I am getting quite a pile to read on my bedside table.
One Scrappy Gal · January 27, 2009 at 8:27 pm
I’m reading Why You Crying by George Lopez and finishing up Watership Down.
Can’t decide what I want to read next… a classic or horror or what…
One Scrappy Gal’s last blog post..Picking your brain…
Naomi · January 27, 2009 at 8:48 pm
Book, what’s that?
Naomi’s last blog post..How Yummie is your Tummie?
Jenn B · January 27, 2009 at 8:58 pm
yay books! :) right now i’m reading “heaven” by randy alcorn. at first it was awesome…now i’m bogged down with repetition…but the stuff in each chapter that isn’t repeated from previous chapters it pretty cool…
after i finish this (& the 2 ‘homeschooling’ books on my to-do list) i SO VERY plan to read something that is just for 100% FUN. It is allowed to be a ‘classic’ but only if i thoroughly enjoy it. it’s been so long since i’ve read a book that was so good that it kept me away from other more important tasks….ok…sorry…that was a long venting comment. the end.
Jenn B’s last blog post..Twitter Updates from 2009-01-18
Frogdancer · January 28, 2009 at 4:43 am
Thanks for dropping by!
We have a lot in common, what with the 4 kids and the voracious reading.
Don’t include me in the draw… the postage to Australia would be fierce.
Frogdancer’s last blog post..With much weeping and rending of garments…
mercblogger · January 28, 2009 at 5:16 am
I love hand down books, because it has already a sentimental value for me. Because it’s important not just to me but also to the one who gives me the book.:)
jamie · January 28, 2009 at 5:36 am
OOOOoooo, I WAS kind of wanting to read this one!
And, let’s call this true confessions, shall we? But, I read those Vampire books… Breaking Dawn, and etc, and they were SO GOOD. I was given the first one as a gift, and sadly was forced to read it. Then I devoured the next three. I was SURE I would hate them! But alas, I did not.
I also love anything by John Steinbeck. I think East of Eden is my favourite by him.
I LOVE to talk books! I majored in english in University, LOL!
jamie’s last blog post..Hurry up…
jamie · January 28, 2009 at 5:37 am
Oh yah, and, why would I tell any friends?? That lessens my chances of winning! ((evil cackling!))
jamie’s last blog post..Hurry up…
Emily B. · January 28, 2009 at 7:05 am
I keep hearing about “the Sawtelle book” – and not from Oprah. Although the O-industry has picked out some decent books. I’d love a chance to read it. While I’m here, I will make my own book recommendation (I have the floor! mua-ha-ha!). I recently finished Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers. It was great! Very thought-provoking and interesting. It is written so well you forget it’s non-fiction. Try it out!
Nikkapotamus · January 28, 2009 at 7:07 am
I really enjoyed this book. I totally didn’t see the end coming as it did and was completely surprised. I walked around for the next two days just shaking my head when I thought of it. My husband hasn’t read it, but had figured it out just from me telling him about it. I hate when he does that :)
Glad you liked it!
I don’t need to be entered, as I already own the book. I just wanted to pipe in with my two cents.
Nikkapotamus’s last blog post..Bedtime Stories
debbie · January 28, 2009 at 9:02 am
I so want to read this book. It will be the twelfth of never before I get it from my library – it is so popular. I hope I’m not too late to enter and I love gently read books even better than new ones:)
lucy · January 28, 2009 at 9:25 am
hey… well at the moment I am reading the books about Sookie Stackhouse, Dead in Dallas is name of the second in the series (is that the right spelling? I tried many different ways and it still looks funky)… its what the show on HBO, Trueblood is based on. Yes, Vampires. I’m not sure if I recommend it… the vampires have come to live among us and they even sell blood at bars. LifeForce is the name and you can order the type of blood you want… a little wierd, but for some reason I have to finish them… I have been contemplating starting ‘Outlander’… I just need a good read. So take care and don’t slip on the frozen ground!!!
lucy’s last blog post..Ain’t no mountain high enough….
Deb · January 28, 2009 at 9:31 am
oooh, I’m all about passing on books. And reading them too of course. Haven’t read that one, but would love to!
Deb’s last blog post..daily reminders…
Safire · January 28, 2009 at 9:42 am
I love books! I’ve just joined goodreads.com and I like having a place where all the books I read are written down. Check it out…we can be book reading buddies.
Great giveaway!
Safire’s last blog post..Blog In
Joi · January 28, 2009 at 10:45 am
Good idea.. Especially the pass it on part! My mom, SIL, & I all read James Patterson & I swap the books between them two and read them in the middle – hehe.. They both know & don’t care..and I have never bought one! I like book sharing! I don’t have enough time to read that I could spend money on reading. If I acquire a book I will read it, but I just can’t justify buying them.
Grog · January 28, 2009 at 11:19 am
Books are the best. You can’t go wrong with Kerouac to get you right in the head.
Grog’s last blog post..Cholera Fatalities Rising In Zimbabwe
kategvt · January 28, 2009 at 2:14 pm
sounds good! i need time to read though…but the nice pic on the front might tempt me to give up watching Lost and try reading…maybe.
Cindi · January 28, 2009 at 9:19 pm
I devour books! Bring the contest on. Please count me in on this book!
Many thanks, Cindi
Carolyn S · January 28, 2009 at 10:32 pm
I would love to read this book. I have had my eye on it for awhile. Right now I am reading Host by Stephanie Meyer. Had to after reading the Twilight series. The last book I read was The Memory Keepers Daughter (for some reason the authors name is escaping me at the moment, lets blame that on old age, shall we? It was really good. thanks for sharing
ceashark at aol dot com
Madeline · January 28, 2009 at 11:15 pm
Sounds like a good read. I’m currently reading The Shack which isn’t really my kind of book, but someone lent it to me. So, I feel obligated to finish it.
Madeline’s last blog post..Gratitude and Miscellany
Jennifer Burns · January 27, 2009 at 9:02 pm
putzing on the computer instead of reading…again…which reminds me book give-away! http://tinyurl.com/cdjkco
The Daily Burns » Book Worm · January 28, 2009 at 8:22 am
[…] reminds me, Mommyknows is giving away a book this week. I’ve still been too lazy to look up the reviews, but rumor has it it’s a really […]
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