My Romance Novel – Chapter Fourteen

If you’re new here, read the previous chapter’s first (if you are interested): Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapters Seven and Eight Chapters Nine and Ten Chapters Eleven and Twelve Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Bridget would never admit it, but she was worried Read more…

A Letter from Santa

Georgia received this personalized email video from Santa today: Click here to watch it. (Note: they take a couple of minutes to load) We did them last year too! The kids loved them :) You can also do a silly version for adults Click here to see Mr. MK’s They Read more…

Wii Winner

The winner is: JenR –> I love this! Kids art is the best. JenR I will be emailing you for your address! *** Wii Winner –> It’s going to take a while to gather up all of the comments, tweets and fb comments. I’ll try to have the winner posted Read more…

My Romance Novel – Chapter Six (NaNoWriMo)

Note: Don’t forget all comments left on ANY post between November, 4th and November 30, 2010 will count as one entry into the Wii should be friends giveaway.

If you are interested:

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Bridget stood in center of her entry-way and turned in a slow circle taking in all of the chaos. She’d forgotten how bad it was. She’d tried not to think about it over the past twenty-four hours. Her parents had wanted to hire a cleaning firm to help clean it up, but the police had suggested that it shouldn’t be done until Bridget had time to go through the contents more thoroughly and advise them of any missing items.

At first glance on the night of the break-in Bridget had been unsure if there was anything missing. She’d checked out the obvious like her jewellery, but with all the mess it was very hard to tell. Her jewellery box had been over turned and bits and pieces of jewellery lay on the top of her bureau, on the floor. With it scattered all over, it was just too difficult to know what might not be there.

All though it was fairly obvious to Bridget that her entire house had been gone through, by far the worst damage was in her office. Her beloved books were strewn all over the room. Many lying open and trod upon, torn, ripped and ruined. Her filing cabinets had been emptied. Paper work, receipts and photos joined her books on the floor. By far the most upsetting to Bridget was her camera equipment. Her extra lenses and external flash lay broken and ruined on the floor amongst the paper mess.

Thankfully for Bridget she always carried her camera with her, but the loss of her additional equipment was definitely a low blow. She scrimped and saved for every last item. They’d been important to her, but not nearly as important as the photos she’d take with them.

Most of those photos were saved on external hard-drives that were in her desk. Only the most recent photos were saved on her laptop. Bridget scanned the floor of her office looking for the drives. There weren’t immediately visible. She started pushing around books, paper and office supplies with her feet looking for the hard-drives under the mess on the floor. They didn’t seem to be there.

Her desk had been tipped forward and was lying face down on the other side of the room. The position of the desk made it impossible for Bridget to know what was still left inside. She could see that the large flat screen monitor that she used with her desk-top computer was lying partially under the desk. She hoped it was still operational. She didn’t use her desk-top very often anymore, but if she planned to in the future she’d need a functional monitor.

Bridget crossed the room and bent to lift her desk. It was surprisingly light and Bridget had no trouble setting it upright. As she did so all of the doors and drawers swung open. There was very little left inside any of the compartments. Her desk-top was missing and unless her external drives were lying somewhere in the midst the chaos in her office, it looked like they were missing too.


Free Downloadable Cookbook

If you are like me, coming up with health lunch box ideas is difficult. I was thrilled to find this FREE downloadable eCookbook courtesy of One Frugal Foodie! There are a ton of great recipes in this book (170+ pages) from health food bloggers around the world. Go –> HERE Read more…