Great Laundry Challenge Winner / Seven Days in a Week – Wednesday (3)

Thanks to all of you that sent me your laundry photo’s. It was difficult to pick my favorite, hence the delay in announcing a winner. I was kind of hoping you’d all forget about it, but no such luck and after several emails this week …
The winner is: Tara of Tara’s View of the World
Thanks for being such a good sport Tara! I chose your picture because, well … how do I put this nicely … hmmm … ummm … misery loves company! Ya know what I mean?
Tara please email me and I’ll get your Starbucks Gift Card out to you (Kim (@) mommyknows (dot) com).
If there are others of you out there suffering through laundry hell, ashamed and broken … don’t feel bad. Just know there are others out there suffering too. You are NOT alone.

This is my laundry room. The clean folded side. I am not strong enought to share the heaps of dirty laundry with you yet.
MK xo
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glittersmama · March 12, 2008 at 9:15 pm
I can’t imagine what I would do if I had that much laundry to do. Holy moly.
glittersmama’s last blog post..15 inches!!
Stepherz · March 13, 2008 at 6:28 am
I’m so participating in your next laundry challenge! A family of 5 can crank out some dirty clothes. Getting them to appreciate that it’s not a faerie who washes, folds, and puts away those dirty clothes is a whole nutha thing. I’m still working on that. :-)
And I love me some Starbucks… That in itself is reason to participate!
Stepherz’s last blog post..Randomosity
Stepherz · March 13, 2008 at 6:29 am
Oh! And I’m kind of jealous of that front load washer. Lucky Momma!
Stepherz’s last blog post..Randomosity
jw4mkc · March 13, 2008 at 7:04 am
Just curious – I know this post had to have words, but what happened to the pictures just representing your day? :) Wow, you weren’t kidding about the laundry! The only thing I hate worse than doing the laundry and dishes is putting up the laundry and dishes!! :)
Tara · March 13, 2008 at 7:43 am
well at least you HAVE a clean folded side!!! I am actually a little impressed with your folding. I bet your family has no trouble finding clean clothes with those lovely neatly laid out folded piles. :)
And I’m just so honoured to be the winner! I think you and I should embrace our lack of laundry skills and just revel in the fact that at least there are TWO of us in the world with brutal laundry rooms!
tee hee.
Tara’s last blog post..Book intro from the CFBA
Cindi Hoppes · March 13, 2008 at 10:42 am
We have the same kind of washing machine! I love the folded clothes. That is where I really get picky…..LOL Cindi
Susy-Q · March 13, 2008 at 11:17 am
Speaking of laundry, I have a big pile of diapers to fold. I am tempted to buy more diapers so I don’t have to wash them so often, but I am not sure I would enjoy having to fold more at once. Oh the joys of cloth diapering!
Susy-Q’s last blog post..Part monkey, part fish
Naomi · March 13, 2008 at 3:40 pm
I thought my washer was broken and I nearly fainted. So sad.
Naomi’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday
Angie · March 13, 2008 at 9:55 pm
Holy Cajolies! I don’t even think we have that many clothes. I am gonna have to go over to her blog and see how many are in her family.
Angie’s last blog post..Five Years with Grant, March 14, 2008
laurie h. · March 13, 2008 at 10:18 pm
i will try to never complain about laundry again. because that is worse than ours, so now i am shamed into admitting i don’t have it *that* bad. there’s one benefit to having a husband who can’t stand any semblance of a mess…
laurie h.’s last blog post..i can’t help myself.
Alex · March 14, 2008 at 12:49 am
Hope when I’ll have a baby my laundry will look more accurate. But it beyond doubt :)
katie bowen · March 14, 2008 at 10:37 am
i’m such an evil mama…i’d just make a “chore chart” and put those kids to folding and sorting!!! have u ever seen the show on TLC about the duggar family?? they only buy all the girls white socks and the boys are always black so that they are easier to sort…sometime google them and see HOW much laundry they must have!!!!!!!!!
Buried, Boring … that’s Me! | · November 27, 2008 at 8:31 pm
[…] Like always, I’m behind on the laundry and since our Canadian Thanksgiving was several weeks ago, no turkey day here. Just a regular ‘ole Thursday (with unusually bad TV). […]