Sam Takes Over the Laundry …

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while or you know me IRL, you’ll know that I have laundry issues. I just don’t get it done often enough. It’s way down in my dungeon of a basement. My basement is a disaster of epic proportions. I don’t even like Read more…

Diaper Bag Winner & a Challenge (with a prize)!

30 Tiny Moments – Day 24

Buried ...
Help! I am buried and I can’t get out!

This is just a the tip of the iceberg where laundry is concerned. I don’t have the guts to show you the actual laundry room (this is just the pile at the end of the hallway). You’d certainly pity me if you saw the laundry room and probably think less of me too! *Sigh* I am considering taking it all to the local laudromat where they’ll wash and fold it all for a hefty price. It’s probably worth it!