Diaper Bag Winner & a Challenge (with a prize)!

Help! I am buried and I can’t get out!
This is just a the tip of the iceberg where laundry is concerned. I don’t have the guts to show you the actual laundry room (this is just the pile at the end of the hallway). You’d certainly pity me if you saw the laundry room and probably think less of me too! *Sigh* I am considering taking it all to the local laudromat where they’ll wash and fold it all for a hefty price. It’s probably worth it!
Here is the Challenge:
What does your laundry room look like? If you show me yours, I might just show you mine. Blog about it, or send me a photo by email (kim @ mommyknows dot com), or even better sign up for with flickr (it’s easy) and upload your photo there, then come back and leave the link in the comments below.
My favorite photo will win a $15 Starbucks gift card.
The great laundry challenge ends Saturday @ 9 p.m. mountain time.
Winner of the Bumkins Grande Diaper Bag is: Cindi Hoppes
Email me please Cindi with your name and address and I will get your bag in the mail.
Tara · February 21, 2008 at 8:33 pm
oh honey, that pile is NOTHING compared to the one at the end of my hallway. I’m in for the challenge. I’ll take a picture and show you my laundry room just as soon as I can!
Tara’s last blog post..Siblings
MommyKnows · February 21, 2008 at 8:35 pm
@ Tara … my laundry room could make a grown man (and his wife) CRY. I want to see yours!
glittersmama · February 21, 2008 at 9:14 pm
I only have one husband and one baby, and I can’t stay on top of the laundry. I can’t imagine having laundry of five to do.
glittersmama’s last blog post..Snow Day
Colleen · February 21, 2008 at 10:00 pm
I’m afraid my actual laundry room is quite disgusting tidy. Now… if you want to see the piles of laundry (and the piles of clean folded clothes that just haven’t been put away) I could show you our bedroom. It’s kind of scary in there.
Colleen’s last blog post..Be The Blog
Michelle · February 21, 2008 at 10:46 pm
My Laundry room is the size of a closet and we share it with our tenant so it has to stay somewhat tidy. That being said I was nearly buried with the laundry I did today. 6 loads and I still have to do the diapers and fold the final load and then put it all away. BUT I don’t do my husband’s, haven’t since we started living together since it drove me crazy that he didn’t put it away. So now it is totally his own problem!
Susy-Q · February 22, 2008 at 7:30 am
I have to admit I am good at keeping up with laundry but ONLY because of our fabulous front loading washer/dryer. You can’t imagine how much you can fit in one of those monsters. We are also only 2 adults and one child, and one of those adults has to where business attire to work which means no laundering there. I would not trade my washer/dryer for anything except maybe free laundry service!
Julie · February 22, 2008 at 7:57 am
Hmm, I’m not sure I want to post a picture of my laundry room. We actually don’t have a ‘room’ per se in this house. We will have a nice tidy room, though, in our new house. We move in next week. So right now my entire house is a disaster and your laundry pile is nothing!
Cindi Hoppes · February 22, 2008 at 8:48 am
I am so happy that I won the fantastic bag! Thank you very much! My laundry room looks pretty good right now, but it has been a disaster before! My mom would have to come over and watch my kids so that I could do laundry for hours on end. Cindi
Naomi · February 22, 2008 at 9:32 am
the laundry room looks okay but the kitchen table, not so much… picture to follow via email…
Tara · February 22, 2008 at 9:40 am
Okey dokey… I have a whole post up on my blog for this challenge at http://tarasviewoftheworld.blogspot.com/2008/02/laundry-haters-r-us.html
and really… it is HORRIBLY bad!
Tara’s last blog post..Laundry Haters ‘R’ Us
Safire · February 22, 2008 at 12:40 pm
Sadly, I have no laundry ‘room’, only a small section in my kitchen that holds the washer/dryer and a very tiny shelf for soap. So I’m really on top of my laundry, or I can’t cook. And food is very important!
Safire’s last blog post..Slowly…slowly
Noreen · February 22, 2008 at 3:46 pm
if only you had done this challenge last week. My laundry room was scary. I did 9 loads in one day plus a few the next day. I was folding for days. It is all done so the room is really clean for the moment
Noreen’s last blog post..Winners
lace · February 22, 2008 at 4:06 pm
That is some laundry. Maybe I will have to show you the pile of clean/folded laundry sitting in my chair. I hate to take care of clean laundry but don’t mind the actual washing it.
lace’s last blog post..The Opinionated Parent and Aden + Anais Giveaway
jw4mkc · February 22, 2008 at 9:44 pm
Okay.. I will take one tomorrow for you – but I hope that the bedroom AND laundry room counts.. yes, that is right, I have fallen way behind, 3 sorted piles in the bedroom waiting, 1 half folded load, one in wash, one in dryer, full dirty basket in laundry room waiting – and there were only 4 of us all week…hmmmm
Oh.. and does a $15 Gift card spend the same here as there or can we in the US get more for our money here – aren’t people coming here to spend like crazy cause our money is worth nothing – isn’t it lovely – too bad I live here and have no foreign money :( – Maybe I need to gather more laundry and win and tell my hubby – “don’t worry – it is a ‘who has more laundry’ contest” – haha – that would go over really well!!!
Andria · February 26, 2008 at 2:31 pm
I try to stay on top of mine, by doing at least one load a day. My issue more has to do with gathering all of the laundry. It becomes a major safari, because I have a daughter who likes to shove her clothes in any available space.
Andria’s last blog post..music to my ears