Winners / Please Don’t Forget / Lost

Winners are:
iTunes card: Mom on the Run
Book: Collen from A Madison Mom
Please email me with your addresses :) @ kim (@) mommyknows (dot) com
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Please don’t forget:
I won’t bore you with details about our weather, I will say only this: IT’S FUCKING COLD (sorry but it had to be said), it’s had me thinking about the homeless in our city. I just can’t stand the thought of people living, or worse dying out in the cold (regardless of why or how they got there). Last night I cleaned out my coat closets and took all the old, unused, unnecessary coats, fleece jackets, gloves, neck tubes, scarfs, boots, snowpants, long johns; washed them up and then today I hauled them down to an inner city church that is in URGENT need of outerwear for the homeless.
That gave me the warm fuzzies! When it’s -30c, I’ll take the warm fuzzies any which way I can get them. If your in the Edmonton area don’t leave all those old coats etc. hanging around (pun intended) in your coat closet never to be worn. Head on down to the Mustard Seed and drop them off –> 96 Street & 106A Ave. If you are not in Edmonton, I am sure there is a homeless shelter or equivalent in your area that could use your help (especially with all this unusually cold weather continent wide).
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On a lighter note, the Third Annual Blogger Christmahunukwanzaakah Online Holiday Concert is in full swing over at Neal’s Citizen of the Month. PLEASE, go over and watch the Little Drummer Boy, just thinking about it has me laughing.
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Am I Loosing My Mind?
I have this little blue pencil case like bag, that I keep my injection gear in. Tonight I couldn’t find it! I need it, it has my auto injector and a couple $100 doses of medication. I need to take it. Did I mention I couldn’t find it? I searched, Mr. MK searched … everywhere … we looked some places twice. It’s not the first thing I’ve lost lately. I was frustrated, nearly to tears, but definitely to the point of anger. I finally found it. I’d wrapped it up with (IN) Mr. MK’s Christmas gift!? Hello … MK … are you home? I have absolutely no recollection of doing it or any idea why I’d do it. I only looked in there, because it was one of the things I had touched since misplacing the bag. FREAK!
I’ve also misplaced part of my Grandma’s Christmas gift, my nephews birthday present and a couple of items from Lizzy’s penpals holiday package. I’ve searched high and low, all the likely spots. I re-purchased the gifts, but now I’m thinking I should start looking in the unlikely spots, like the freezer, cereal boxes, toilet tanks. If I am lucky someone will open them up on Christmas morning and I will be able to get them back.
Ummm, just in case I forget –> Merry Christmas Dammit!
MK xo
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Joi · December 24, 2008 at 6:32 am
Well Bless your heart! You are havin’ a hell of a time.. Now in my house, if it came up missing, Ms H.would be injecting her dolls or her sister or would have hidden it.. She would have also made use of the pen pal gifts and Grandma’s gifts.. She is a mess! I hate that, though, when u lose stuff and just can’t find it anywhere.. I HATE IT! I have been to tears over keys before..and many other things. You have a good Christmas too.. Take care! ..oh..and I will start updated my blog more regularly after the New Year.
Safire · December 24, 2008 at 7:31 am
Hahaha! Sorry, I had to laugh. You sound like you need a vacation from the holidays. Just one more day to go! (And a good thing you didn’t send your meds to your daughter’s pen pal!)
Safire’s last blog post..Christmas Eve Eve
Jenn B · December 24, 2008 at 8:19 am
wow, i am renowned for my forgetfulness (& this was PRE-childbirth…if can only imagine now…ugh), but the wrapping it, priceless! that’ll be a good story for a long time. :)
not quite as cold here as there, but it’s definitely COLD! & unusually snowy here, takes my mind to the same place (homeless), everytime i see the snow start falling i think, “man, what a horrible time to be homeless…). glad you had stuff to donate!
Jenn B’s last blog post..Twitter Updates
kategvt · December 24, 2008 at 2:01 pm
you sound tired and in need of a massage and spa day! hope you can get to induldge yourself to the RESTFUL things in life over the holiday. it is 33 degrees (F) and it feels BALMY and tropical! isn’t that just sick?!
Cindi · December 24, 2008 at 3:01 pm
Hang in there! There is a light at the end of the tunnel and hopefully it isn’t a train! Hoping you have a wonderful holiday season. Cindi
kim · December 24, 2008 at 6:29 pm
sorry about the lost items. that drives me crazy. prolly makes you feel crazy!
also? cold? = yes. hate.
kim’s last blog post..belize it or not!
Mom On The Run · December 25, 2008 at 12:02 pm
Cool – I won an iTunes gift card! Thanks! LOL – that’s too funny! I’m sure all of those things will turn up as the gifts are unwrapped. Merry Christmas!
Mom On The Run’s last blog post..The Grinch May Have Stolen Christmas But At Least I Look Amazing
deb · December 25, 2008 at 7:06 pm
Merry Christmas to you too! The weather is finally turning – THANKFULLY!!! We have been outside for the last two days. It’s amazing that -15C feels BALMY…….?
Casey Madaline · December 27, 2008 at 7:17 am
Yes, these days weather is so cold. I’m feel so ashame. Honestly, I never thought about the homeless. I feel like being slapped reading your post. Although, there is nothing special with my christmas, at least I still celebrate it inside my house without being cold. I must learn to be more grateful. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Peter · December 27, 2008 at 10:55 am
you sound tired and in need of a massage and spa day! hope you can get to induldge yourself to the RESTFUL things in life over the holiday. it is 33 degrees (F) and it feels BALMY and tropical!
jafer · December 27, 2008 at 6:17 pm
I hope you had a great Christmas and an upcoming happy new year too. It’s nice to do ‘stuff’ for others.
jafer’s last blog post..The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
shelly wagar · December 27, 2008 at 6:19 pm
Remember to give to the homeless, you could be in their shoes.
Steven · December 29, 2008 at 11:57 pm
Oh, man, I know what you mean.
Today, I was looking for a book… and worse than NOT finding it, was the times I *KNEW* where it was, raced to that spot in the house, and saw that it wasn’t there.
And then I’d KNOW where it was again… and, well, my brain was the boy who cried “book!”
Steven’s last blog post..The perfect meditation cushion
Zach · December 30, 2008 at 6:10 pm
That was good of you to take your old coats to a shelter.
I spent a winter in Denver living in my car. Let me tell you, even wearing multiple layers of clothes, a couple blankets, gloves, and a hat, I still woke up in the middle of the night shivering.
I couldn’t imagine sleeping on the street, exposed to the wind, snow,.
outside voice · January 4, 2009 at 12:59 pm
Hope you found all your stuff! Maybe you can put one of those lost-key beeper things on your injection bag, and then you can just press the button?
Hope your new year is going very well so far… :)
outside voice’s last blog post..buh-bye, infotainment
Carey · January 6, 2009 at 5:50 am
Just popping in to say Hi!
I hope youa re doing well and having a great New Year so far!
Gary@SEM Experts · January 6, 2009 at 11:19 am
Just dropping buy to say happy New Years to all!
Robin Glass · January 6, 2009 at 11:25 am
Wow, a blog giving prizes cool! Happy new year! We need more people like you
Jeff@Realtor Website · January 7, 2009 at 9:35 am
Glad that I found your site it helps me a lot. Happy New Year!
Anna Betrieb · January 7, 2009 at 10:01 am
Everyone goes a bit crazy at Christmas time – I forget which day it is most of the time!! Let´s hope 2009 is a much happier one for everyone. It was very kind of you to take your old clothes down to the church. I did actually think about the homeless last night, because it is incredibly cold here as well!! My flatmate assured me that they do have warm places they can go when the weather is like this.. I hope she´s right!
Tom · January 11, 2009 at 7:48 pm
It always nice to find a good Canadian blog! I have donated some winter coats to charity this year as well. Keep up the great work on your blog.
Tom – London, ON
The Grinch May Have Stolen Christmas But At Least I Look Amazing | Mom On The Run · December 25, 2008 at 12:04 pm
[…] – I must’ve been a good girl after all, as I won an iTunes gift card courtesy of Kim @ Mommy Knows! Share and […]