Super September – They’re Driving ME Nuts!
I am alive! We’re all alive and well!
I am grumpy, sick and tired …
I don’t want this to be a ‘whining blog’, or a ‘woe is me blog’, or a ‘doesn’t my life stink blog?’, or a ‘aren’t you glad you aren’t me blog?’!
I haven’t posted, because all I want to do is complain, whine, rant and rave!
I won’t!
Remind me some day to tell you about the PSYCHO who didn’t receive his diaper order on time and then sent me a suspicious powder in mail (turned out to be a bacterial agent) with a note threatening to “eff” up my children.
Or the NUT JOB that reported me to the ‘Consumer Product Safety Commission’ because of the STENCH of the Bical Grippers!
Or the …
OK, see what I mean? If you get me started then I will have to tell you all about …
The baby boy who’s 5th week birth celebration I ruined due to the late arrival of the toy he was so desperately longing for! “HEY, 5 week old genius, tell your Mom to cough up for Xpress shipping!”
OK … there I go again …
* * *
This is Georgia earlier this week @ the indoor playground. Don’t you love the Deux par Deux sweater she is wearing? It is from several seasons ago, it was Lizzy’s! It has been washed and washed and washed … so if you have been afraid to try the Deux par Deux knits because you think they will be delicate or hard to care for … they’re NOT. And of course, she has to have her Bical Grippers, even with the STENCH (oh please!) they are a favorite around here!
To be the next winner (or maybe even win again), you need only leave a comment.
EVERY day in September I’m giving away free prizes (maybe more, but at least one). Just like in the past the winners will be randomly drawn and posted here on the site.
The winners will be able to choose one of any of the prizes listed on the flickr set: Super September. Once an item is chosen, it will be removed from flickr and will no longer be available (unless I have two … which I do for some).
All you have to do to win each day’s prize is leave a comment on the most current post.
All prizes are provided by: in conjuction with
For detailed rules read this: DETAILED RULES
For a great selection of Baby Clothes, Toys, Gifts, Cloth Diapers and accessories shop @
We have a great selection of Baby Shoes too!
Jaime Stephens · September 28, 2007 at 9:27 am
Oh my goodness! The Bical’s do have a smell but it goes away after one wearing. LMBO. My daughter’s absolutely adore these shoes. They much prefer the water shoes to regular shoes and well if they keep them on their feet then that’s great. We also use them for paddling. They work perfectly for in the canoe and dry so fast they’re ideal. As I mentioned yesterday I only wish they had sizes big enough for dh and myself.
Hope you have a better day! And I’m glad to hear that you are all well.
Michelle · September 28, 2007 at 9:59 am
Oh, you have got to be kidding me. I actually liked the smell of the Grippers, call me crazy (I know, I am), and a 5th week birth celebration? …what the?!
Anyhow, you’ve just got to laugh and keep on trucking, or people like that will flatten you. Take care, I need to get back to my two babes, the 5 year old with a 103.3 fever and the 2 year old with a 102.2 fever. Oh, happy happy me…
jw4mkc · September 28, 2007 at 10:14 am
OKAY – STENCH?? – That is funny! I bought 3 pair and to this day they smell like BABY POWDER!! We thought it was the manufacturers that put that smell to them.. I love it! Everyone that I show them to comments on how the souls smell like baby powder and how neat that is.
Dont ya just love CUSTOMER SERVICE!! Not calling it, but BEING IT!
OH.. and maybe we can all help you by letting you know you are not alone.. I waited an hour in the room waiting for the dr. to check out my oldest and I was popping my neck when the youngest tried to plunge off a stool and I had to jerk to catch her.. So, not only am I coughing sneezing and snorting..but now I cry when I cough cause my neck and shoulder hurt and EVEN worse.. Three of my fingers are tingling now.. It has been almost 25 hours since I did this to myself and I might as well be in traction cause I am acting like Frankenstein – did find a massage therapist that has an open spot.. If only I can survive until 2… and find a way to shower??? I can’t even pick up the baby!
Christina E · September 28, 2007 at 10:20 am
Those kind of crazy types make me insane too. You are a brave brave woman!
Kilikina · September 28, 2007 at 10:41 am
you are NOT alone!
Diane · September 28, 2007 at 10:42 am
Glad to hear that you are making out okay! Wow! You have been in contact with some real winners lately!
Beth · September 28, 2007 at 10:48 am
Where do you FIND these people? Sorry that you’ve had to deal with so many idiots lately. May your days to come be moron-free.
Laura · September 28, 2007 at 10:54 am
Oh. My. Word.
I don’t even know where to start. I don’t know if I can handle the stories you chose NOT to tell. There is just NO call for that… the problem is that SOME people think they if they play the stanky-whiny-shrill customer routine, then retailers will throw free stuff at them to shut them up. Ever heard of There are some great stories to be heard! (OK, now not ALL customers suck, there are just those chosen few… don’t get mad at me, ya’ll!)
And I *love* the smell of Bical shoes. I sniff my daughter’s regularly, just for the pure joy of it.
Heather · September 28, 2007 at 10:56 am
Ahh, the joys of retail. LOL And the bacterial powder?! Now THAT is just insane. INSANE!
Kelly · September 28, 2007 at 11:20 am
OMG! Are you kidding? I can’t believe some people are so horrible to others, especially the powder incident – yikes!!! :-(
Marcy · September 28, 2007 at 11:31 am
WOW that is all I have to say.
Montserrat · September 28, 2007 at 11:34 am
ARGGH! The nerve of some people! I can’t even imagine the stories you didn’t share with us. It’s a good thing you have a sense of humor right?
Charlotte · September 28, 2007 at 12:09 pm
LOL!!! That is all I have to say. Can you believe the nerve of some people :)
Nikki · September 28, 2007 at 12:34 pm
welcome back. aren’t some consumers wonderful!
Amanda · September 28, 2007 at 12:59 pm
OMG! That is insane! I would never have guessed, although I guess I should have with all the nutcases there are in this world. I can’t even fathom having my children threatened for something so petty. My only statement to that would be – WTF? Well, we are glad you are back – hoping things go better for you. Glad you have perservered through all of that to offer us such great stuff at babymarketplace and give us all our blog fix!
Angella · September 28, 2007 at 1:17 pm
Oh, Kim. It’s OK to complain. Especially when you do it as funny as you did :)
Georgia looks so grown up in that photo!
Cherylyn · September 28, 2007 at 1:39 pm
OK, seriously? No, you have got to be making this stuff up! OK and a) a 5 week celebration (you’ve got to be kidding me, mine are lucky if I remember their birthday) b) hey lady, the baby doesn’t care!!!!!
Can I just say, everything I have ordered has been perfect, shipped superfast and your prices are quite reasonable!
Colleen · September 28, 2007 at 1:39 pm
I love the picture… the colors are just so vibrant!
Mefeng · September 28, 2007 at 1:42 pm
Horrible psycho,, bacterial powder YUCK!!
Glad that you are OK and hope you’ll have much better day.
Kami · September 28, 2007 at 1:58 pm
Wow, some people huh! I think you should blog about the stories… that way you could get them off your chest and we could laugh at the silliness of it all.
I hope things are settling down and you deal with some sane customers now:-)
Naomi · September 28, 2007 at 1:59 pm
People are often total freaks, I imagine you encounter more than your share… when I worked at record stores, I always attracted the weirdest ones. They know you have to listen to them because you’re behind a counter. Yikes. I can’t imagine threatening your kids, though. Jerk.
glittersmama · September 28, 2007 at 2:00 pm
Wow. You’ve got some serious freak shows on your hands. It’s not whining when they are really that psycho. It’s hilarious.
Michelle · September 28, 2007 at 2:02 pm
Oh my there are some crazy people out there. I can’t believe someone would celebrate their babe’s 5th week birthday??? Are they nuts at that rate they will be taking him to disneyland for his 1st and a trip around the world for his 5th birthdays. I don’t envy your job it must suck somedays!
Heather · September 28, 2007 at 2:19 pm
Even in your grumpiness, you’re funny. Keep your head up! :)
Hannah · September 28, 2007 at 3:04 pm
Oh my goodness!! What nutcases!! I can’t believe you have to deal with those kind of wackos! WOW – all kudos to you for putting up with it and being so gracious!
Jamie · September 28, 2007 at 3:49 pm
Are you freaking kidding me??? Sent you POWDER in the mail???? That is absolutely nuts!
kelli · September 28, 2007 at 4:08 pm
Wow. I’m glad I don’t have crazy customers who send powder in the mail. Sorry you have to put up with that!
Jenny M · September 28, 2007 at 4:41 pm
Wow, hope you’re feeling better. UGH! How scary to get powder in the mail. Man, I cant even fathom that- yikes!
DH worked in retail at a nationwide department store return desk. A woman returned some towels , put them on the counter and out popped – Fluffy- only fluffy had passed away a few weeks ago- Oh she said- I wondered where he had went. They returned the towels, but sent them back as defective- after quadruple bagging them- YUCK!
Andrea · September 28, 2007 at 5:01 pm
Well, sounds like things have been kinda rough for ya lately! Hope it only gets better.
lace · September 28, 2007 at 5:49 pm
CRAZY! I can’t believe people would act that way!
serina · September 28, 2007 at 6:09 pm
Ah, the joys of running a business….hope things start looking up!
MommyKnows · September 28, 2007 at 8:54 pm
@ Jaime Stephens – Thanks Jaime, they do have a smell but I for one think it is kind of nice! Thanks!
@ Michelle – Thanks Michelle … I just keep saying, “keep on trucking, keep on trucking!”
@ jw4mkc – Yep, STENCH! I just received a BBB complaint that she filed as well, :( — is she smelling the same thing we are? Hope your back feels better.
@ Christina E – Thanks Christina E, I don’t feel brave I feel worn out!
@ Kilikina – Thanks Kilikina!
@ Diane – Winners is one way of putting it ;)!
@ Beth – Idiots and Morons is an even better way of putting it!
@ Laura – Thanks for the link! I had a laugh.
@ Heather – It is INSANE!
@ Kelly – Nope … not kidding. RCMP, FBI and Interpol weren’t impressed either.
@ Marcy – Wow is right!
@ Montserrat – A sense of humour does help! I keep thinking that at least I have a few GOOD stories to tell. The kids enjoyed the RCMP storming the house!
@ Charlotte – I can’t believe the nerve of some people!
@ Nikki – Most of my customers are wonderful, but WOW –> when the weirdos go shopping –> YIKES!
@ Amanda – WTF is right on the money!
@ Angella – Thanks, the powder which followed threatening calls, other packages (creepy, creepy man), actually happened last year! I have actually been afraid to tell people for fear they’d think — HOLY SH!T she must have the worst business in the world to make someone that mad. On reflection, the man must be disturbed and I was the unlucky recipient of his freaked out mind!
@ Cherylyn – SERIOUS — NOT even making a GOOD story BETTER. Toning it down in case the PYSCHO and NUT CASE come her and read this and decide to make me even more miserable! You are always welcome to say, “everything I have ordered has been perfect, shipped superfast and your prices are quite reasonable!”
@ Colleen – Thanks Colleen, I love taking pictures of Georgia (obviously)!
@ Mefeng – YES. BAD, BAD, PSYCHO!
@ Kami – Hmmm, you see I have always wondered if it would make people think I don’t like my customers (which I DO – 99.9999% of the time) and it was disrespectful, or if it is acceptable? Maybe it is in extreme circumstances!
@ Naomi – Jerk another good way of putting it!
@ glittersmama – Freak Shows is another good way!
@ Michelle – Yes, poor unfortunate 5 week old partier!
@ Heather – Thanks Heather, funny is good!
@ Hannah – Nutcases and Wackos, some more great labels!
@ Jamie – I am SO NOT freaking kidding! Very scary, especially when you are holding your baby in your arms and opening the mail. It poofed up in our faces! It makes my blood boil. ALL, because his little Kimberley didn’t have her nice soft cotton diapers that she deserved — THE MAN IS A FREAK!
@ kelli – Thanks Kelli!
@ Jenny M – HaHaHa … poor frigging fluffy!
@ Andrea – Thanks Andrea.
@ lace – Crazy … another good one.
@ serina – Ah, the joys! ;)
Kendra · September 28, 2007 at 9:30 pm
Wow! I can not believe the amount of time some people have! Sending strange powder in the mail! Just hang in there we love you!
PamW · September 28, 2007 at 9:48 pm
Yikes, it sounds like you’ve had quite the week or two. I hope the rcmp and whomever else did something about the white powder dude. It might actually be better that these type of people shop online in the safety of their own home (for our safety) – I sure wouldn’t want to run into them in a brick and morter store. Although it still doesn’t make it fun for you. Perhaps this type of person needs to actually get out of the house more often.
And a five week birthday? Um, wouldn’t that come like four days after a one month birthday? Is this kid going to get a pony for their first birhtday and a car for their fourteenth? Sheez. Now I really feel bad for not having a one week, two week, three week, four week and five week birthday for my daughter…..
Jenny M · September 28, 2007 at 9:58 pm
I love that sweater- its so awesome when your kids can wear the clothes that you love best again and again. You have such cute stuff that I bet your kids all look great in the various collections=)
Karen · September 28, 2007 at 10:32 pm
Yikes! Sounds like you have been dealing with some crazy people! Just keep in mind that it is their problem and not yours. Before I had my baby I worked for two years doing in-home care for seniors. Wow. Some of the old ladies LOVED me, and some made me think I couldn’t do ANYTHING RIGHT! One lady had me return ice cream a week after I bought it, because it was Vanilla and “there was nothing in it”!!! I wanted to scream! …Do you know how embrarsing it was to have to return ICE CREAM at the grocery store?!?!? Some people are so self focused all they think about is themselves…. Hope you have some good customers this week/month/year to off-set the aweful ones! …And are you going to post Sept winners soon? :-D Glad you are all alive, as you say! Your daughter is so lovely in that sweater! It looks brand new! It was so nice to log on tonight and see your new post! ~K~
monica · September 28, 2007 at 10:42 pm
I thought my last week was bad…I hope things get better for ya!
Kait · September 29, 2007 at 5:55 am
Some people. I have gotten 2 pairs of Bicals so far, and I have not noticed any “stench”. You have to love doing customer service :)
Carey · September 29, 2007 at 6:44 am
Wow, some people will complain about anything. Hope your doing well. Your daughter is beautiful.
Deb · September 29, 2007 at 8:21 am
I honestly can’t believe it. The fact that people spend the time on these things…I’d hate to see what they’d do in a retail shop!!!
Kami · September 29, 2007 at 9:59 am
Kim, I would never think you don’t like your ALL your customers, just the nutcase whacko ones :-)
I am positive the other 99.9% are fantastic people!
Tasha · September 29, 2007 at 10:27 am
“I have actually been afraid to tell people for fear they’d think — HOLY SH!T she must have the worst business in the world to make someone that mad.”
If people thought that then they are as wacked as the creepy guy! You can’t control what everybody does or says, I for one have gotten GREAT customer service from you!
ginny · September 29, 2007 at 2:39 pm
Have you ever waited tables? You see all kinds! I think I waited on your psycho customers at a natural foods market in Boulder when I was working my way through grad school.
It may have brought me to tears back then, but now I see people like that differently. They’re sad, really, to go through life that way. With that kind of anger.
Keep smiling! :)
Safire · September 29, 2007 at 2:46 pm
HOpe you’re having a better day! :)
Deb on the Rocks · September 29, 2007 at 5:43 pm
You are VERY restrained not to respond to folks like that with a note saying something like: As a result of your recent display of irrationality/rudeness/whackiness/freakiness /creepiness/and or utter disregard for civility, I have forwarded your complaint/cool merchandise/threat/envelope of powder to the USPS/Dept of Homeland Security/child protection service/Official Network of Wicked Payback Karma Bloggers. Best of luck!
Lisa · September 29, 2007 at 7:07 pm
I cannot believe somebody would report you to BBB because of a smell. I do not think my bical grippers stink and even if they did it would not be your fault. You do not manufacture them. ***Hugs to you***
Praying for normal customers for the next few months to give you time to recover.
Deanne S. · September 29, 2007 at 7:13 pm
That’s awful, I think you can rant on your blog – we all need an outlet!! Hope your week gets much, much better!
Karen · September 29, 2007 at 9:26 pm
I too hope things calm down and get “normal” for you soon! :) ~K~
Yan · September 29, 2007 at 11:12 pm
Oh, some people can be so bad! I hope things gets easier for you.
Naomi · September 30, 2007 at 10:46 am
After thinking about it a bit, it’s even harder to believe that a dad who is buying cloth diapers for his little girl would lash out at you… it might be a stereotype but I would think he would be a more enlightened, sensitive new age dad…
… but apparently not!
Deb · September 30, 2007 at 3:33 pm
Feel free to rant..and seriously, a 5th WEEK birthday? wow…wouldn’t it be nice to have parents who gifted for every week of life….
Denette · September 30, 2007 at 5:09 pm
I’m super glad I don’t work in the service industry anymore. I got my prize and I love it. These pants are even cuter in person! Thank you so much!
Susy-Q · September 30, 2007 at 5:54 pm
I am so sorry that you had to deal with a PSYCHO!!! Bacterial agent? Threatening children because of a delay in getting diapers? This person sounds almost dangerous and in need of some serious therapy. I hope he hasn’t managed to scare you and your family.
On a happier note, Georgia looks the darling as usual.
Teresa · September 30, 2007 at 8:12 pm
Wow!! Sounds like you are getting to deal with a bunch of people who get so caught up in their own little and obviously boring life that they freak out at very silly little things. Sorry!!! :) My family owns a few businesses and so I truly feel your pain!!!
Bree · September 30, 2007 at 9:57 pm
wow. I couldnt imagine! what insane people you have to deal with! people need to get a life! I hope this next week is better for you!
Jaime Stephens · September 30, 2007 at 11:23 pm
LOL… kinda off topic. But my daughter has a pair of shoes that make her feet so smelly! Perhaps I should complain about the manufacturer? Re-reading about the Bical shoes reminded me of those horrible shoes we have. The poor thing… we razz her so badly about her smelly feet she’ll have a complex for sure!
Sarah W. · October 1, 2007 at 12:03 am
Holy cow. I cannot IMAGINE the fear that caused as you held your baby!!! I’m not a law-suit prone person, but I’d seriously consider suing that guy for emotional damages- and I’m sure he broke major federal laws by sending that through he mail. I wouldn’t want his money- I’d just want to have justice. But then again, he’d probably go ever more psycho. UGH! Hugs to you!
Laura · October 1, 2007 at 8:30 am
I just thought I’d come back to say:
I love everything I’ve EVER bought from your store… your recommendations are spot-on… my orders arrive in record time … and your customer service is bend-over-backwards-AWESOME.
PamW · October 1, 2007 at 12:18 pm
I’m hoping you’ll keep us updated on whether or not the rcmp (or whomever) will press charges on this guy. And the nerve of someone else contacting cpsc because of the smell of some shoes. Besides, I though cpsc was a U.S. agency so I doubt they’d pursue much anyways. Besides, if baby shoes smell then maybe all it would do is deter a kid from chewing on their toes!
Qtpies7 · October 1, 2007 at 1:24 pm
Hehehehaha! I know it is maddening to have to DEAL with people like that, but it is really funny to see how ridiculous people can be. Seriously, a 5 week old has just been “dying” to get this toy? Really?? She can’t even mover her hand on her own on purpose, much less play with the toy or SPEAK about how much she wants it, LOL.
Sorry, but I do know psychos too well, we are without a car today because of one in our own family, well, because of TWO in our own family. Nut jobs.
Karen · October 1, 2007 at 4:03 pm
:) Happy October! :)
Pauline · October 1, 2007 at 7:57 pm
Wow. Kim, I have always had just great service from you. I had no idea how people can treat others – would they like to be treated like that??
The Bical “smell” is great. I don’t know where it comes from or why it is there but I love it. I am a big fan of Bical shoes and I can’t wait to see the new ones each time you get new stock.
Hang in there. The rest of us are very happy with you and the items which you sell at
Alexia · October 1, 2007 at 8:25 pm
Okay, I think you’re customers would be more than happy to know that YOUR the one sending out orders because I would have probably been sent to jail by now! (((hugs))) whine all you want!
Georgia’s outfit is soooo cute *sigh* I want a girl!
*Andy* · October 2, 2007 at 8:17 am
I am sorry but you made me laugh… I can’t stop laughing about your customers!!! It remind me the conclusion we made about customers when I was working in boutiques
You want to know our conclusion? (I am not sure about the translation from french!!) People are stupid! Sounds less funny in english but well…essential of the idea is there!
So cute Georgia!
Nenni · October 2, 2007 at 8:48 am
There is too many crazy people! This is sad!
Jaime Stephens · October 2, 2007 at 9:25 am
On a brighter side I love the new myself belts on your website! What an awesome idea, especially with potty training in full swing around here. A belt that Tala can’t get undone in time to get on the potty (she doesn’t tell us she has to go she just goes) is pointless. You always have such innovative products!
Tasha · October 2, 2007 at 10:25 am
Just looked at the new stuff on your website, great items!
Amanda · October 2, 2007 at 10:28 am
Absolutely love the new Manhattan Toys (especially all the Whoozit’s). I am already making my list for Christmas for my daughter (laff- who needs her to maker her list for Santa when mine is already twice as long as hers could ever be!).
Jenn · October 2, 2007 at 8:00 pm
I worked in retail at one point. It’s surprising how many of these nutjobs there really are.
maddiesmom · October 2, 2007 at 8:52 pm
Love the Deux par Deux outfit!
PamW · October 3, 2007 at 8:33 am
It’s nice to see that one of your products has lasted through your kids, what good quality. And Georgia looks so sweet in it.
Jaime Stephens · October 3, 2007 at 8:44 am
Who picks out Georgia’s clothes in the morning? You must have a little fashionista on your hands!
Tasha · October 3, 2007 at 9:56 am
I love the sweater, seems like good quality too.
Kelly · October 3, 2007 at 11:06 am
I can’t find the myself belts on the website… can someone point me to them? I tried searching but I must be using the wrong search term… I’m really curious. Can you tell we’re potty training here too? :-)
Jaime Stephens · October 3, 2007 at 1:57 pm
I hope its okay to post the link to the myself belts:
Justine · October 3, 2007 at 7:09 pm
The myself belts are great, I already have two. They are in the baby clothes section of the site.
Hope this helps.
Kelly · October 4, 2007 at 6:07 am
I see – I was searching for the words myself and belts, and it’s all one word! Myselfbelts. Thanks ladies! Those look cool… I bet my son would love one.
Danielle DeNoble · October 4, 2007 at 11:16 pm
Oh my goodness, I saw the link to your blog when you sent me the email about my diaper cover order and all I can say is…..yikes!!!! I didn’t think anyone would go psycho over a late shipment….how horrible!! Hope I didn’t sound psycho, wondering what happened to my order ;o)
By the way, your daughter is adorable! :-)
God bless,
Janes · October 5, 2007 at 12:20 am
OKAY…Body……right……and I wanna tell you about a fantastic shopping site named………so many fresh coupon. coupons codes and best offers are available here related to all the categories including baby toys and accessories products………..!!
mama k · October 9, 2007 at 10:35 am
wow. I used to work retail and man customers can be real JERKS sometimes. ((hugs))
fvozwnpcws · November 26, 2007 at 2:18 am
Hello! Good Site! Thanks you! hvineoxrurz
Temple · January 22, 2008 at 7:44 pm
You poor woman! I would never have thought a person selling cloth diapers could be in danger from such a psycho! I mean you kinda think the people buying this stuff would be more… gentle, I guess. But I have to admit I did laugh when I read it…
annakat · August 31, 2008 at 5:37 pm
5 week birthday celebration – grips I’m 60+ and still waiting for a birthday celebration. That is a little much for me, with money being so short I’m afraid I couldn’t even afford to buy the kid a gallon of gas. I read a short story about a woman in one of the most undeveloped countries has found a way to convert her cow’s manure into gas. Maybe we should start giving out converter kits to new mom’s so they can go green all the way with their new ones.
Tim · November 23, 2008 at 1:12 pm
Are you kidding me? I seriously don’t know how you have the patience to deal with these people!
Tim’s last blog post..Are Automobile Insurance Agents Employed By The Company They Represent?
| · January 24, 2008 at 7:58 pm
[…] hope pscho-powder-ARSE, doesn’t get the same […]