best mom in the WHOLE world! (DIY tip)

Normally, I don’t ‘blow my own horn’. I’m not a bragger mom. I’m just NOT, any of you that come here on a regular basis know that Georgia is NOT EASY to please, so when she says, “You’re the best mom in the WHOLE world!” It’s just has to be true. It has to be!
I’ve heard it before, from Sam and Liz, but they ARE EASY to please! A 15 minute bedtime extension, a Kit Kat in the grocery check-out … and I’ve topped the ‘best mom’ list. Georgia’s not quite so easy. In fact, I spend much of my time avoiding this:
This is a daily occurrence, and I was only trying to keep her from suffering frostbite.
In addition to being A.) ‘the best mom in the WHOLE world’, and B.) ‘not a bragger mom’ … I am also a ‘sharing mom’ (OK, so maybe I do brag just a wee bit!). I share my old books with you … the odd cuppa coffee. You get the idea right?
I, therefore, feel impelled to share my secret of HOW TO BE ‘the best mom in the WHOLE world’ (tongue in cheek!!). This is a tried and true method (REALLY), it’s worked several days in a row.
Are you ready for it?
PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES –> baked at home by YOU!
You’re thinking it can’t be that easy! Well it is and it isn’t.
I don’t just blob the cookies on the cookie sheet. I lovingly roll each cookie into a uniformly sized little ball and carefully place them on the cookie sheet.
If I were just any old mom, and not ‘the best mom in the WHOLE world’ I’d just pop them in the oven just like that.
NOT I! I press them firmly with a fork!
NOT just once, but twice! EVERY single cookie — TWICE! It’s becoming clearer to you now, just how ‘BEST’ I actually am, isn’t it?
I cook them at 350f for 10minutes. I’m vigilant, about this part. I don’t run and do other errands while they’re baking. No … not me, I sit in the kitchen waiting for the timer to go. Wandering off to do other chores like laundry is how burning accidents happen.
Just look at these perfectly baked (not burnt, because you’re always multi-tasking) cookies. If I were just a great mom, I’d quit there.
I’m not just great! I’m ‘the best mom in the WHOLE world!’ and so I sprinkle them with sugar while they’re still hot.
I serve them to her on a pretty little side plate!
She loves them! She loves me! I get additional points for letting her get to mid-day without brushing her hair!
Here is the recipe:
If you’re really smart like me — (OK, OK — I’m a bragger), you’ll only cook 1/2 the roll and then you can be ‘the best mom in the WHOLE world!’ again tomorrow.
What little things, make your little people happy?
MK xo
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**NOTE: this is not a review/advertisement — just some DIY goodness from me to you! — because I am nice like that and Pillsbury FREAKIN’ ROCKS— just saying!**
jamie · February 11, 2009 at 5:47 pm
Excellent tip. I like it! I just may steal that idea… although currently my two year old is not my friend because I made her go to bed.
jamie’s last blog post..Winter will never ever end.
kim · February 11, 2009 at 6:38 pm
hee. you rock. i was about to call you this afternoon to arrange a playdate for friday. then ella started puking. how do feel about playdates with pukers?
kim’s last blog post..belize it or not!
Colleen · February 11, 2009 at 7:56 pm
Hey! I thought that was my top secret recipe. How did you get it??? lol
Colleen’s last blog post..Hello from the Sunshine State!
Safire · February 11, 2009 at 8:00 pm
Ha! I get that face from Butterfly several times a day. Cookies do not appease…even the good ones. Well, they don’t appease her. I eat them! Yum!
Safire’s last blog post..Smelly Cast
Naomi · February 11, 2009 at 8:03 pm
You crack me up. I would totally bake to avoid that red-eyed thing in the first photo, too. I have one like that but its hair isn’t as pretty.
Naomi’s last blog post..How Yummie is your Tummie?
Hannah · February 11, 2009 at 8:04 pm
You really ARE the best mom in the whole world, I wish you were MY mom! Well, not really, because my mum is pretty cool. But seriously, those cookies look yummy. Adding the sugar? Pure genius!
Hannah’s last blog post..School’s back!
Madeline · February 11, 2009 at 8:37 pm
If Levi could speak, he’d agree that the I’m the best mom when I serve cookies and take him outside to play ALL DAY LONG. Seriously, the boy can’t get enough of the outdoors. He even wants to go out after the sun is down.
Madeline’s last blog post..Thriftastic
Midlife Slices · February 11, 2009 at 9:28 pm
I LOVE peanut butter cookies, but sadly I’m trying to lose weight so I’ll just have to scroll down through your pictures and lick the screen. I hope you don’t mind. :)
Jenn B · February 11, 2009 at 9:47 pm
hmm….i’ve never gotten the “best mom” compliment. perhaps i should stop being so neurotic in the kitchen. ;) my poor children just learned what a brownie was this week & they are TERRIBLE brownies, but the kids have no idea that they’re almost gross. i think i might be permanently damaging them.
Jenn B’s last blog post..Twitter Updates from 2009-01-18
Mom On The Run · February 11, 2009 at 9:57 pm
OMG! I can’t believe I have never introduced my girls to peanut butter cookies yet! I’m going to try just so I can also be the best mom in the whole world!
Visit me @
Mom On The Run’s last blog post..Poll: Which Of These Glasses Look AWESOME On Me?
Cindi · February 11, 2009 at 11:02 pm
You had me buying your every word! Yes, I am gullible! Georgia is such a cutie! She looks so happy. My sons like cookies, brownies and little surprises, periodically! I really enjoyed this post…..Thanks, Cindi
California Home Loans · February 12, 2009 at 12:40 am
I love peanut butter cookies and so does my son. Your post struck me and made me think, a great cookie recipe section on Mommy knows would be awesome for your readers to participate in, and come back too???
David · February 12, 2009 at 12:50 am
The cookies you made looks awesome.I admire your caution when you are baking them.You are right,Wandering off to do other chores like laundry is how burning accidents happen.I had some bad experience on that.
jafer · February 12, 2009 at 4:04 am
I’ve never actually made peanut butter cookies, although my daughter has… from scratch, from the jar of peanut butter. I never even knew how to make them and then I saw the recipe right on the peanut butter jar. Who knew?
jafer’s last blog post..Stayed Home
Nina · February 12, 2009 at 4:50 am
Just thought you’d like to know that one time, a few years ago, my family started counting how many days in a row my youngest daughter would cry before school about SOMETHING…consecutive days at its peak was 17. No joke. If only I’d have known about this pb cookie thing, I could have avoided all of that?!? Damn.
Nina’s last blog post..Hoops Report
kategvt · February 12, 2009 at 6:30 am
LOVE IT! I’ve been freezing cookie dough in logs like that and using it during that “eh…it is 3 in the afternoon…now what” time.
margie · February 12, 2009 at 6:56 am
first time reading today. made me laugh. when my children were young i made pink and white cake. it was such a hit that i still make it for their adult birthdays. i remember a mom calling me and asking my for the recipe because her daughter raved about the pink and white cake. ahhh, white cake mix, um, red food colouring, ah, white icing, with um, red food colouring.
Nikkapotamus · February 12, 2009 at 7:23 am
Those look so excellent!
We just made pb cookies too! I like the recipe from “Grazing” by Julie
She uses peanut butter, sugar, brown sugar and an egg white. That’s it! And they are simply the most yummy cookie in the entire universe-especially right from the oven!
Nikkapotamus’s last blog post..Sunday Walk
olivia · February 12, 2009 at 7:30 am
Thank you for sharing such recipe!!!?!! I´ll show off this weekend. I have my family from gframce coming for visit they always complain of food, I ll show them what we can do here in the US! Olivia
Eileen · February 12, 2009 at 7:32 am
I don’t usually use this acronym, because it’s not often that I’m actually doing it and I feel it’s untruthful to use it if I’m not…but today I can honestly say LOL! :) So cute!
Eileen’s last blog post..See Spot Swim
Carey · February 12, 2009 at 11:24 am
Those are good, the only problem with baking only half..I just might eat the other half before I bake them…the dough tastes better than cookies sometimes.
But hey..we moms have to do whatever it is we can to avoid those my 4 year old had a lollipop before breakfast.
Crabmommy · February 12, 2009 at 12:29 pm
YOU bloody rock. LOVE IT ALL, including sad crying pic to happy. Nice work, MK!
Crabmommy’s last blog post..Lovey-Dovey Overdrive
Dawn · February 12, 2009 at 3:23 pm
Ummm…cookies are not love.
Who am I kidding! My 11 year old now refers to himself as “the cookie boy”. There’s nothing like a plate of almost homemade, fresh from the oven sugary goodness to turn any frown upside down!
I agree with you – Pillsbury does freakin’ rock! In my house, we also enjoy the refrigerated Nestle Toll House cookies. I used to make them from scratch, but why bother when the store bought throw-in-the-oven varieties taste just as good!
Damselfly · February 12, 2009 at 10:05 pm
What a great recipe! Thanks for sharing.
You know that crisscross with the fork? It’s mesmerizing to me. I do that all day. OK, well maybe for a couple hours.
Damselfly’s last blog post..Someday, I might visit the Bahamas and actually not be pregnant
People Search Free · February 15, 2009 at 2:45 pm
Those cookies look absolutely scrumptious! I want to come to your house ^^
Shannon @ Lullaby Baby Carriers · April 13, 2009 at 1:19 pm
I love your blog, you’re sense of humour and your writing style! That was a really cute post – thanks for sharing!
horsegames · September 3, 2010 at 3:43 am
Aw. poor kid. but those cookies really cheered her up.
Lila Johnson · March 19, 2013 at 2:12 pm
Look delish!
mommyknows · February 11, 2009 at 2:26 pm
DIY – the best mom in the WHOLE world –>
Jennifer Burns · February 12, 2009 at 1:13 pm
grace told me i was her ‘best friend’ at the library. not quite ‘best mom in the whole world’ tho.
Stephanie Diaz · July 24, 2009 at 1:22 pm
its really simple to make =)