All Spruced Up and Waiting for a Winner

For your viewing pleasure (or displeasure … maybe?) while I get the Happy Book Day to You ~ the Series winner all sorted out.
Again, I stepped all the way out of the house, this time all the way into the yard (not just the deck) to take this. That’s me leaving the house two days in a row. WOW! I am becoming a bit of a recluse, so this is progress, before that it had been eight days. Oh yeah, I also did a wee bit of grocery shopping, visited my aunt, and went swimming. The bathing suit part, now THAT … was painful for me and the other bathers. BIG white marine mammal = > beluga!
I want to know, do you have a camera? What sort? If you could have any camera you wanted, what would it be?
MK xo
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Safire · January 29, 2009 at 6:18 am
Beautiful shot!! I too, stepped out of my house for a picture, although that was the first time I left the house in about 3 days. You are not the only one who is becoming a recluse apparently.
I have a Canon Rebel XTi. It’s a great camera. I just want new lenses for it. Now you have to answer your own question…what camera do you have?
Safire’s last blog post..Blog In
jamie · January 29, 2009 at 6:42 am
Man, I haven’t left the house in a few days myself. Neither have my children. I’m thinking of just putting them outside so I can have some peace and quiet for ten minutes!
I have a brand new Canon Rebel XSLR. I LOVE it. Totally haven’t figured out all the bells and whistles tho…
jamie’s last blog post..Hurry up…
Nikkapotamus · January 29, 2009 at 6:52 am
I have a Nikon D40 and am in total lust with it. It is a great joy to behold and takes some seriously amazing pictures (I don’t credit myself with what the camera does, I just point and shoot).
Nikkapotamus’s last blog post..Bedtime Stories
Naomi · January 29, 2009 at 11:38 am
Swimming?! The thought seems absurd right now.
Naomi’s last blog post..How Yummie is your Tummie?
MommyKnows · January 29, 2009 at 2:10 pm
@Naomi — YES SWIMMING! We have a great pool at our community centre with waves, lazy river, slides, the water is warm and the kids love it. See: — there is a skating pond and an indoor playground too. My kids love it.
@Nikkopotamus — I love Nikon :)
@Jamie — I haven’t figured out all of my bells and whistles either. I am taking lessons online @ kelbytraining … I love it!
@Safire — It’s hard to get motivated to go out with kids and cold! Isn’t it? I have a Nikon D300
Cindi · January 29, 2009 at 2:43 pm
Love the picture of the pine branches! The color makes it kind of surreal!
I haven’t been out all week until today! The snow kept me in and my being lazy. No, I don’t have a camera. My husband and sons have digital cameras. My youngest son is more of a video maker. He enjoys making and then editing and adding music to the videos. Cindi
jafer · January 29, 2009 at 2:47 pm
That’s a gorgeous picture. I haven’t taken any pictures in a while now. I have a little Kodak 12 megapixel camera myself, and I also have a Lumix 10 mg SLR but it happens to be missing now, I won’t mention my daughter’s name.
jafer’s last blog post..How Stupid am I?
Carey · January 29, 2009 at 3:54 pm
I do have a camera…I have the FUJIFILM finepix s1000fd.
But it doesnt take nice pix like your pics. although i do like it.
What kind do you use? Ive always admired your ability to capture such beautiful pictures. Nicely done!
Carey’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday
kategvt · January 31, 2009 at 9:27 am
i’m such a brat…my guy got me a sony cybershot DSC-T70 last year…but if he had only spent a little more he could have gotten me a “real” camera….this is great for people who want simple and gotten me a bit better one…THIS IS WHY I’m not getting any flowers for valentines day… ;) jk