And the Winner of the Pippalily Baby Sling is …

Winner of the Pippalily Sling is: Amanda Brown

Winner of a pair of BabyLegs is: Lucy

Email me @: kim @ mommyknows (dot) com to claim your prize.

I have been struggling with a coding problem for several hours. Getting extremely frustrated! When this kind of thing happens, I just can’t do ANYTHING else! I must figure out and solve the problem … GRRRR!

Then it dawned on me, I hadn’t taken a 30 Tiny Moments photo or written my blog post (or fed the kids – oh well, I sure Mr. MK did … don’t worry). I ran in the livingroom and snapped this picture.

30 Tiny Moments – Day 10

30 Tiny Moments - Day 10
Faking Sleep!


Hair We Go Again!

30 Tiny Moments – Day 6

Lizzy’s ‘New Do!’

Twisting your ...
Warning: winding your hair around this teeny-tiny little comb over and over and over, may result in bangs shortly after.

This is just the most recent of Lizzy’s ‘New Do’s!’ She has a long history of scissor wrangling.


Imagine …

Imagine it’s 20 degrees below ZERO. Imagine how cold that is. (Those of you living this, don’t waste your energy imagining. You live with the horror, just bear with me.) Imagine how TERRIBLE your life would be if your parents made you wear mittens! OH THE HORROR! Imagine if (like Read more…

All in All it’s Just Another …

brick KID in the wall?

All in All it's just another ...
YES, that is my son stuck between an unfinished basement wall and our old kitchen cabinets (now our laundry room cabinets/counter).

First thing this morning, just as I was getting out of the shower, I heard bellowing from the basement, “HELP ME, PLEASE, I’M STUCK, MOM, HELP, I’M STUCK“!


Kids Crack Me Up – 104 Year Old Milk!

Lately, we’ve had a lot of milk go sour, LONG before the expiration date. In fact, it has happened so often, the kids do a thorough inspection now before daring to douse their beloved cereal in potentially ‘rotten’ milk. Generally, Lizzy does the inspections, you know because she’s older and more qualified to sniff cartons and read expiry dates. Today Sam did the honors.

Sam: “Dad, I think this milk might be bad. It’s really old.”

Mr. MK: “I just bought it. How old is it?”


Making Lunches Sucks — Winners of January 1-15 Giveaway

Winning Comment is: Glittersmama – wins a $100 gift card

Winning Link is: Sophistishe – wins a $100 gift card


Winners email me –> kim (at) mommyknows (dot) com

A new contest will start tomorrow or Saturday. It’s a good one so don’t miss out!

I find making school lunches difficult! One of my pet peeves is making sandwiches (I know it’s weird, but true), I don’t like making salads either, but that’s another post (sounds boring so maybe not).

School Lunch

This was the lunch Sam took to school with him today. Tuna sandwich on whole wheat (they both love tuna), Juice (with veggie), frozen Yogurt tube (probably has a bunch of sugar added, don’t tell me I am happy not knowing for sure), cheese, cucumber & carrots, granola bar (kind with the health check).
