Not to Be Forgotten …

Aren’t you happy Halloween is over? I’m not really a Halloween lover, it’s a lot of fuss for Candy. I do remember how much I loved it as a kid though, and I try not to be a ‘Scrooge’!
This year, I decided that the kids could be whatever they wanted, only rule … we weren’t buying any costumes or expensive supplies.
You saw Lizzy’s Headless Marie Antoinette (she won first place at school … YAY!). We did have to buy some spray foam and duct tape for this one, otherwise this was totally made from stuff around the house.
**EDIT: Lizzy’s Costume has been chosen as a finalist in the ScanDigital Halloween Photo Contest — to vote you just have to click on the ‘like’ link under the photo (it’s on facebook, so if you are a member there is no sign up … just one click) or go here: – Thank you! **
Sam decided to be a hobo. He did his own make up and used old clothing etc. I sewed some patches on his shirt for him.
His costume was inspired by one of my favourite bloggers –> Broke but Still Drinking. Read his blog, he is hilarious.
I was a hobo pretty much every Halloween of my childhood. Hmmm
Georgia as always was a little bit more difficult. For several weeks, she told anyone who would listen that she was going to be a ‘fashioner girl’. What exactly a ‘fashioner girl’ entails … we’ll never know. She changed her mind and decided to be a ‘witch with a dog’. Lizzy dug the witch dress and hat out of the dress up box for her on Friday for Sam’s school Halloween parade. It lasted about 3 minutes … she went ape-shit … apparently the witch dress is itchy and the hat covers her eyes. She went to the parade in an ‘I <3 NY’ tee and a ballerina tutu.
Halloween day she decided she’d be a black and white dog. That was fine, she had a clean pair of black pants and tshirt in her drawer and I planned to draw her a puppy face. Screw the ears, I was tired of her changing her mind.
Over supper, she started talking about how she was going to be a ‘girl who was scratched by a lion’. WTF!? Fine! Who am I to squash the dreams of a 4 year old diva child?
By this point, she was lucky I didn’t scratch her myself!
Her Dad took her trick or treating. I didn’t have the courage! Apparently she told the neighbours she was a ‘scar victim’.
Did I mention I am happy it’s over?
MK xo
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NOTE: I’ve been having trouble with the comments. If you can’t comment PLEASE let me know at kim (at) mommyknows (dot) com. Thank you!
Safire · November 1, 2009 at 2:23 pm
Haha…looks like you need to add the rule: No changing your mind! Great costumes though. Stellar year for you guys.
.-= Safire´s last blog ..Happy Halloween! =-.
Naomi · November 1, 2009 at 4:24 pm
Seriously, you are the coolest mom, ever.
.-= Naomi´s last blog ..Halloween Tricks or Treats from Babeland =-.
Caseye · November 1, 2009 at 8:38 pm
My kids, (especially my little Diva, Tatum) changed their minds all month long. We ended up out of time with no costumes. Luckily, their school is Lutheran & doesn’t celebrate Halloween – no costumes needed there. I bribed them by telling them I would buy them each a bag of candy & took them to an amusement park instead of trick or treating. SUCCESS!!
Ashley · November 1, 2009 at 9:39 pm
I love Sam’s costume!!! He should mass produce those signs and sell ’em for a buck a piece. He’d be rich in an hour around here….(this is not to be misconstrued as a slam at homelessness…that is a sad situation)
Nikki · November 1, 2009 at 10:27 pm
as always I enjoyed a good laugh reading your blog. I would love to have the ambition next year to out do your creativity but alas that seems doubtful. We went as whitewater kayakers this year – now given what I do for a living that is REALLY UNQUESTIONABLY LAME!!! I’m glad it’s over too!
Broke But Still Drinking · November 2, 2009 at 11:45 am
*wiping a tear from my eye*
I feel honored.
MommyKnows · November 7, 2009 at 5:39 pm
@Broke But Still Drinking, Ah, quit your bawling!
One Scrappy Gal · November 2, 2009 at 7:27 pm
My brother, rotten and horrible that he is, kept telling my little girl that instead of saying “trick or treat” she should tell people who answered the door that she had H1N1.
I nipped that in the bud pretty quickly! Then I was too afraid to go trick or treating so I stayed home and passed out candy.
No angry neighbors have shown up at my door yet…
MommyKnows · November 7, 2009 at 5:38 pm
@One Scrappy Gal, Aileen … you crack me up!
Joi · November 3, 2009 at 8:53 am
Glad I wasn’t alone in the ‘inexpensive’ aspect. Jalyn’s was 9.99 on clearance from last year – it was snug on her neck as it was a size smaller than she would have liked, but I used hairbands to lengthen the back, then I used purplish/blue eyeshadow to color all the seams.. I bought a .99 thing of white face paint, that I used 3 dips of a finger out of, then I colored her face with that same eyeshadow.. I did her eyebrows with my eyeliners and her wound with more eyeshadow and an eyeliner.. She was ecstatic. I did let her and Tyler split a bottle of purple hairspray, but touched hers up with some black & gray eyeshadow.. I loved how she turned out – especially for the cost!!!
.-= Joi´s last blog ..HALLOWEEN =-.
MommyKnows · November 7, 2009 at 5:37 pm
@Joi, You did a great job, altering the costume. J looked super cute.
Debb · November 3, 2009 at 10:19 am
For not liking Halloween you sure did it up right. Great ideas. I think I might steal some for next year.
MommyKnows · November 7, 2009 at 5:35 pm
@Debb, Thanks Debb!
Liz@thisfullhouse · November 4, 2009 at 9:27 am
Heh, my youngest insisted she was “a dead cheerleader” and, well, you know.
[heavy sigh]
Glad THAT’S over, too!
.-= Liz@thisfullhouse´s last blog ..WORDLESS WEDNESDAY: Times When You Just Can’t See Your Desk for ALL the Unfolded Laundry! =-.
MommyKnows · November 7, 2009 at 5:14 pm
@Liz@thisfullhouse, Thanks for stopping by Liz! Next stop … Christmas.
Scented Oil Warmers · November 5, 2009 at 11:47 am
Really funny and original. This shows you don’t have to spend too much money to have some fun. Great costumes. I’ll give a dollar to that hobo everythime I pass him by just to keep him on that spot.
MommyKnows · November 7, 2009 at 5:01 pm
@Scented Oil Warmers, Thank you!
horsegames · September 3, 2010 at 3:05 am
nice photos and nice makeup.. that looks almost real.
mommyknows · November 2, 2009 at 12:30 pm
Is it wrong to dress your kids up as your favorite 'drunk' blogger for Halloween?