New York, it was more than just Martha Stewart…

It was way more than just Martha and #thetechshow, however, I did get a few up close and personal shots, so I thought I’d share those first.
Here we have Martha and David Pogue of the New York Times and author of the book, ‘The World According to Twitter’.
David: Martha, don’t turn away from me, you’re ravishing!
Martha simpers: Oh David, stop it, you’re making me blush!
Well maybe, I made that up, but it could happen. Maybe … or maybe not.
Here is another of Martha and Chris Hughes the billionaire 20-something founder of facebook. She may have mentioned him poking her (really). She also told him he looked 13. HA! He has the propensity to turn all shades of red. Poor kid man!
Here is another, with Martha and Nick Douglas author of ‘Twitter Wit‘.
Nick: Look Martha, here’s a photo of me naked. What do have to say about that in less than 140 characters?
Martha: OH MY!
OK OK, enough kidding around! The Martha Stewart taping was too much fun. You can take a look at a few more Martha photos on my flickr stream here:
I have to tell you … I LOVE NYC.
I walked limped from my midtown hotel to Central Park. I think this is my favourite photo from the trip.
I loved Central Park, even though I only saw a fraction of it.
From the park, I did a quick tour of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I started with the Dutch masters. I know Michael Douglas is old and all, but who would have imagined he’d be old enough to sit for Rembrandt?!
I got a little homesick when I saw this. Then I realized, I’d probably end up like this poor woman if I take any more trips without Mr. MK. Don’t tell him about this, he’ll kill me ban me from the internet forever.
This is the Empire State Building.
It looks way better from further away.
It’s spectacular at night from ‘the top of the rock’.
This of course is Times Square. It’s full of hustle and bustle day and night. I loved it.
On my last day there, I did the tourist thing and hopped a red double-decker bus to take in the sights. It was gray, cloudy and cold.
This is the Flat Iron Building, we have a similar building in Edmonton, I’ll have to get a photo of it too.
This is an old church in the ‘the village’.
This was taken on Broadway, in Soho, looking downtown. I love all the old building in New York.
Speaking of Broadway, I went to the Broadway Musical ‘HAIR’. It was fabulous!
I think I might like to live here.
There were so many things I got to see, but not do …
The bus whizzed by the Brooklyn Bridge.
and Ground Zero. The magnitude of this site, it’s unbelievable.
It’s such a great combination of the very old and the very new, just like in this photo!
One of these days, I’ll go back. I’ve got a huge long list of things to do and see and eat.
MK xo
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This post and my trip to New York were generously made possible by my Sponsors Crest and Oral-B. The views expressed in articles published on are those of the author alone.
Hannah · October 4, 2009 at 4:51 pm
Hey Kim, look like you had a fabulous time in NY! I knew you would love it! Such great photos of the city’s attractions. I love Times Square, it’s just such a fun and bustling place. The Martha Stewart taping would have been INCREDIBLE, what a great opportunity you had to be there.
.-= Hannah´s last blog ..Upside-down =-.
MommyKnows · October 4, 2009 at 10:35 pm
@hannah – it was an incredible opportunity and so much fun. I am so thankful to Crest and Oral-B for making it possible. So fortunate!
Angella · October 4, 2009 at 5:56 pm
Oh, wow, Kim!
I CANNOT WAIT to go to NY next August.
.-= Angella´s last blog ..Oh, Happiness =-.
MommyKnows · October 4, 2009 at 10:33 pm
@Angella – You’ll love it! I think I’ll finally suck-it-up and go to blogher this year. I’ve always been too chicken in the past.
Lida · October 5, 2009 at 6:31 am
Ohh my love New york New york… Isnt beauty…Thanks for this sharing great post Kim. I m glad to live in this beauty :D
Silvia · October 5, 2009 at 7:10 pm
Hello Kim, great pics!! as always, I’m glad you had a great time on NY, sorry I missed you! So how is Martha doing? at what time is her show by the way?
Big hug
.-= Silvia´s last blog .."Julie & Julia" reseña y sorteo /" Julie & Julia" review and giveaway =-.
Brochure Printing · October 5, 2009 at 11:16 pm
Oh my, NYC is so beautiful. Empire State looks better at night. And I still can’t see what’s special about Madison Square. I’d pick Central Park over it anytime. :D
Brochure Printing · October 5, 2009 at 11:17 pm
oops. did I say Madison? I mean Times Square… :D
Tammi @ My Organized Chaos · October 7, 2009 at 8:51 pm
Oh, you lucky gal – it looks like you had a fabulous time {great pictures too btw}!!
I have always dreamed of going to NY, it would be ‘my thing’.
I am debating on BlogHer this year…but the $$ from Canada is
just too much I think.
What a great opportunity for my fellow Albertan!! Ya!!!
.-= Tammi @ My Organized Chaos´s last blog ..The Scrapbox giveaway is Ending soon; get those entries in! =-.
Max · October 8, 2009 at 8:49 am
I like the work you’ve done on your site – are you having fun with it? It’s interesting and well worth the time to visit.
Madeline · October 10, 2009 at 5:48 am
Ha! You are too witty. Sounds like a wonderful trip! Glad you enjoyed.
.-= Madeline´s last blog ..Jambies =-.
tgrimsley · October 20, 2009 at 9:53 am
Love the pics of NYC. Makes me want to go back there to live but then I think about my kids and realize that its not in the cards.
.-= tgrimsley´s last blog ..Looking For A Dog Business For Sale =-.
katie · October 21, 2009 at 1:45 pm
what pictures!!! you are incredible! i want these!
mommyknows · October 4, 2009 at 3:18 pm
New post …