May Madness – Last Day (for May) – FREE Bical Grippers!

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Winner is: #34 – Katie Bowen
Thank you for all your posts today (yesterday). I was very happy to tell Mr. MK that the bang trim was fine and “I told you so!” Nope, I am soooo not above saying petty things like, “I told you so!” In fact I like saying it, I look forward to it and I may have stuck out my tongue after I said it. I’m getting old, not mature!
Sam and I spent the day enjoying the local wilderness centre. I was a last minute substitute parent-helper for his class fieldtrip. I was on the waiting list! Around these parts you have to line up the night before with volunteer form in hand to be picked for fieldtrips, only the first four parents get the privilege (I was 5th … alarm didn’t go off on time that morning *snicker*). My mommy peers are the over zealous helicopter types (you know that hover around watching every move their kids make).
With my life spent nearly entirely in the following three places –> desk, kitchen and bed. The fieldtrip was fresh blogging material. UMMM … if you are getting sick of pictures of my kids, you picked the wrong day to stop by!
I come from a long line of jokers, my dad used to tell us lies tall tales when we were kids about when he was an Indian Chief, lawyer, doctor and astronaut! I bet you never wore one of these Dad!
I love this headress, it’s the real thing! The day started out with a discussion on Canada’s first families.
From the smile on his face, I think Sam is more of an Inuit hunter than cheif material.
Let’s hope this doesn’t become a habit! The peace part doesn’t bother me, it’s the pipe I am worried about!
After playing some tradional aboriginal games, we head out on a nature walk and bug hunt.
Poor Sam he just couldn’t find a bug!
Keep looking Sam! That’s the 7 months pregnant teacher’s aide, down digging in the dirty with my son! What a woman! Above the call of duty :)
He may not be able to find a bug in the forest, but this kid is one cool dude (and a chick magnet)!
Then again, maybe he’s not so cool (son, the hair goes on top of the glasses)! That’s Mrs. M with Sam, she has been all my children’s 1st grade teacher including Hayley’s (graduates in a couple of weeks). If there were a MommyKnows best teacher ever prize … she would get it!
We finished off the day with a hunt for water-bugs – don’t fall in Sam!
With my busy schedule it isn’t often that I get to spend a whole day with just ONE of my kids, so this was really special! WOW … a great day :)
I am so exhausted, however, that on the very last day of May Madness (hmmm … what to do in June?), I am going to wimp out and copy yesterday’s prize over for one more day. You’re not mad right? You like Bical Grippers … come on I know you do! Don’t hold it against me, OK?
And you know how to be eligible to win right? Just comment AND tell me about a favorite outing with one of your kids, even better you could blog about it and leave me a link back so I can visit your site!
I am giving away Bical Grippers Skully Boy shoes to one lucky winner. This winner can choose from our available sizes (3-8).
If you don’t like the Skully Boy, you may choose to have a Red Argyll (long) instead, choose from sizes 4-11. These long styles are so cute with a skirt. Georgia wears the Red Argyll (brand new not even on our site yet) with a denim skirt and red tee, and it’s too cute!
We have a HUGE shipment of Bical Grippers just in and another on the way later this week. We love baby shoes and our customers do too! We can’t keep the Bical Grippers in stock. Our North American supplier is now sold out of several styles (we took them all) so what’s in our warehouse is all that’s left until September. If you have a favorite … now is the time! Here is a sample of what’s new later this week (I just need time to get them on the site).
Note: ALL Bical Grippers not just those featured today in May Madness have been added to the MayMadness coupon promo so if you don’t win’em you can buy’em … cheap like!
I’m giving away a FREE product every day until the end of May. Read more here: Contest Details
Visit for a great selection of baby shoes and baby clothes, cloth diapers too, and don’t forget the baby toys!
Stephanie · May 30, 2007 at 11:10 pm
I MUST WIN THE SKULLY BOOTS!! Little man WANTS! WE had an outing today up a canyon, Little Man and Sessy both tripped on the pavement and I had the pleasure of carrying them both back to the car while they were screaming bloody murder. Those little black boots would make it all better!
glittersmama · May 30, 2007 at 11:34 pm
One last shot at those sweet shoes!
Ryan's Mom · May 31, 2007 at 12:04 am
Looks like you had a fun day at the Wilderness Centre. Nice photos.
Pam · May 31, 2007 at 12:08 am
My favourite outing with my daughter is playdates. Any sort of them. She’s impartial to most outings being only nine months and not having a say in where we go/what we do, but playdates are great for this age because she gets to socialize with other babies (ie. try to eat them and so forth) while I get adult conversation. I’m sure she’ll like more exciting things when she’s older but in the meantime I’m happy with the playdates.
Marcy · May 31, 2007 at 12:21 am
Hmmmm favorite outings with the kiddies. I would have to say my favorite outings with the kids are Hikes/walks. It is a time for us to just talk and enjoy the environment.
inbal · May 31, 2007 at 3:37 am
i just found out about this contest! and its the last day! these grippers are so cute, maybe they will encourage my little koala to start walking…
inbal · May 31, 2007 at 3:40 am
ooooops sorry i didnt read the instructions, so favorite outing with my daughter is going wherever we can meet animals- dogs cats whatever, they make her soooo happy. also water, so if it involves a swimming pool, or better-swimming with dogs around would be the perfect combination!
Kait · May 31, 2007 at 4:42 am
We just had a fun outing with our son. We rode on Thomas the train (an actual train made up to look like Thomas). The whole family had a blast.
Naomi · May 31, 2007 at 6:23 am
I have such a sick crush on Canada! That looks like a great day trip.
Wichita is not really the great outdoors, but we have a nice Nature Center and the Zoo is really fantastic. (Actually, I am helping with a fundraiser there this weekend, so if anyone’s in Kansas, Kids’ Zoobilee is a lot of fun!) We started going to the zoo regularly when I was pregnant with Roo and have been almost once a week ever since. They just opened a penguin exhibit! Yay!!!
Susy-Q · May 31, 2007 at 6:59 am
My son is quite young (9 months old) so he doesn’t usually mind where we go. My favourite is either the botanical gardens (I love plants and trees) or going to the BioDome, which is like visiting all the biomes of the world but indoors. It’s pretty cool.
Montserrat · May 31, 2007 at 7:37 am
How fun to spend the day with just one! Our favorite outings are exploring the mountains on either side of us. We farm in a narrow valley only 6 miles across so we head out on 4-wheelers ready for adventure. Here’s one we took on Mother’s Day:
Joi · May 31, 2007 at 7:52 am
When we lived in New Orleans, we went to the Zoo there all of the time! It was all of our favorite! Very shady and kept us cool. Here in Texas – If you don’t go to the zoo before might die of heat exhaustion – haha. We did go with all three kids and Harlie was clueless – so she doesn’t have a favorite outing for us to do with her yet. But the other two – definately the zoo – to bad our favorite one is 10 hours away! That is Military life – Learn to love where you are about the time you have to move.. OH well, I love this life anyways!
Lacey · May 31, 2007 at 7:55 am
My favorite outings are just walks around the block.
michelle · May 31, 2007 at 7:56 am
Really, really want some shoe! Please, pick me! Pick me!
michelle · May 31, 2007 at 7:57 am
I mean shoes, not shoe.
Angella · May 31, 2007 at 8:28 am
Looks like a great day! We had supper at the beach yesterday & I plan to do a post later about it :) Your kids have the BLONDEST hair I’ve ever seen!
Magi · May 31, 2007 at 8:29 am
This coming Saturday will be the 2 month anniversary of holding my daughter for the first time. Every outing is my favorite outing! Right now though last Tuesday wins. Every Tuesday morning, we meet a group of moms and daughters from China. Sera is the youngest as most of them are 3 and 4 years old. She has always stayed in her stroller or on the blanket. This week, for the first time, she played with another little girl and was cruising all around the picnic table. She was using any available moms’ legs for support, but she always made sure I was in her sight. This being a mom stuff is great!
glittersmama · May 31, 2007 at 8:58 am
I forgot to tell you about my favorite outing. It definitely has to be taking my baby to the beach for the first time. (Already wrote about it this week.) She loved the water even though it was freezing, and she was adorable digging her little toes into the sand. I still like the green striped shoes. :)
Laura · May 31, 2007 at 9:02 am
OOOOO…super cute!!! Annslee would be sassy sporting those. Love the pics mom…looks like a blast! Now that the weather is nice I cannot keep the Princess inside : )
Julie · May 31, 2007 at 9:25 am
I think my favourite outing with my daughter so far (she’s only ten mos.) has been a trip to the beach when we were visiting Victoria. I love the beach!
Neisha · May 31, 2007 at 9:27 am
I would love to win a pair of those for my daughter who would look at me like I’m nuts that’d I’d want her to wear them–in turn, making me absolutely furious that a 5 year old can drive me insane. Am I alone?
Mary C · May 31, 2007 at 9:33 am
THose are adorable! I would love a pair for either of mine.
Also- I know the “name the June contest” is proabably over (is it?) but how about “Swoon for June?” No alliteration, but it rhymes! :)
Karen · May 31, 2007 at 9:44 am
We had supper at the beach last night with Angella’s fam, and it was a pretty great outing!
Those shoes are so cool!
Jennifer Walker · May 31, 2007 at 9:47 am
Apple picking in the fall is the best outing we’ve had with our son. Bical Grippers would have been great to have then. Maybe I’ll have them for next time :) I’m crossing my fingers!!
liz- Monkey Kisses · May 31, 2007 at 12:11 pm
they are too cute!!!!!
Laura · May 31, 2007 at 1:31 pm
Love Bical grippers! So sad my daughter just grew out of hers… maybe I’ll have to use that coupon!
I love taking my 3 kids out on our triple jogging stroller. We live out in the country (but on a main road) so this is the only way I can take the kids out that doesn’t involve the car. We go to one of two parks in the area (but they’re far away enough to help mommy lose some twin baby fat) and we are definitely a spectacle to all the traffic back and forth… but I’ve stopped noticing the necks craning because we are all enjoying ourselves. :)
Cherylyn · May 31, 2007 at 1:36 pm
My boys are 1 and 2 so in the winter my favorite outing is West Ed Mall. We live very close so we can spend 3 hours there and that’s all we spend. We see the fish, the puppies, the skaters, play trains at chapters, I usually pack a lunch and then let the boys run around if it isn’t too crowded.
Come summer, well we LOVE any and all parks, except maybe ones with wooden climbing structures, as we get lots of slivers.
Yan · May 31, 2007 at 1:42 pm
One of my favorite trip is the kids’ first trip to the zoo , they were so excited to see so many different animals that they never seen before :)
Mama K · May 31, 2007 at 2:57 pm
We need the skullies! : )
Well so far our fav outings are to the store. Little Man likes to look at all the people. I also let him feel the fruits and smell stuff. I’m looking forward to hitting the zoo and the beach this summer though.
MonaB · May 31, 2007 at 3:32 pm
My favorite outing will be this Father’s day as my husband and I have a brand new 3 month old baby girl and we plan to go to the zoo. We had planned to go this Mother’s day, but go rainned out with thunderstorms. :( Our day will start out with brunch with our family followed by a nice day at the zoo and BBQ for all the dad’s in our family. Let’s hope for sunny weather and I will take my little gal for a swim in her water shoes!!!!
Lisa · May 31, 2007 at 3:56 pm
We love the zoo. Our local zoo is small and the kids can just run and play and watch the animals. Our zoo is also free from labor day until memorial day. It is a great fall and spring trip whils most kids are in school.
Stephanie · May 31, 2007 at 5:19 pm
Sorry the contest is over, and Little Man won, right Kim?! Did I mention the scar on his little knee?
MommyKnows · May 31, 2007 at 5:31 pm
Who said the contest is over? Not me :)
June’s a whole new month … let’s wait and see!
katie bowen · May 31, 2007 at 6:58 pm
I love ’em…after a hard week in toddler-hood land this would cheer us up…some days i want 10 of these guys and other days…well…love the blog! can’t wait to use the 20% off coupon! cheers!
Marlo · May 31, 2007 at 7:08 pm
My favorite outing with my daughter was her first trip to the Louvre. She was supposed to be napping, as she was very tired, but she just could not close her eyes. She was taking in all the art that she could. I was very happy with her interest in the art, all the colors and shapes. Yeah to be being born in Paris. And we would love a pair of those sweet sweet grippers.
Janice · May 31, 2007 at 7:58 pm
The swim diaper is so cool, it came day before yesterday. Thanks!!!
That won’t stop me from trying to win the Skullys!
My favorite outings are to the zoo:
Nikki · May 31, 2007 at 7:58 pm
My oldest is in preschool this year and her first field trip is at the end of the year to a place called Humble Horse Ranch near Strathmore, AB. I’m hoping a get to volunteer but because I am VERY pregnant right now I’m not sure I’ll get the chance…time will tell.
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