May Madness (Day 8) – FREE Cloth Diaper – bumGenius! 2.0

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We have a winner!
#11 – Stephanie
So many of you asked me to talk about cloth diapers. You also said you’d like to win cloth diapers. You comment and I listen. Today I am giving away one of my favorites, a bumGenius 2.0 One Size Pocket Diaper.
Today’s cloth diapers are nothing like they were in the past, and using them does not mean returning to the dark ages! Modern cloth diapers have all sorts of user-friendly attributes – velcro-type closures, snaps, flushable liners, etc. No pins, no yucky plastic pants – just soft cloth diapers and comfortable, breathable hi-tech waterproof fabrics.
Why use cloth diapers? Basics: good for your wallet, good for the planet and good for your baby!
bumGenius! 2.0 diapers easily fit most children weighing from 6 pounds all the way up to 35 pounds. The bumGenius! 2.0 diapers were designed with fit, function and ease of use in mind.
Watch this great movie:
To win today’s FREE bumGenius! 2.0 just leave a comment AND you have to tell me whether you diaper your baby with cloth diapers or paper diapers (you can tell me why if you want to).
Now just check these out! Mr. MommyKnows ROCKS as you can see by the beautiful flowers he gave me for Mother’s Day. He gave me TWO just like this. Why two? I like them so much I like to move them around the house with me and I think he is tired of carting them around the house for me!
As you can see Georgia likes them too! She has tried to pry open a few lilys, she keeps saying, “surprise”. I think she thinks there’s a surprise in the unopened flowers.
Look at this close up. I love lilies!
I also received some beautiful art work that I will show you soon! I hate to brag, but I am going to anyway … these kids of mine are TALENTED!
I’m giving away a FREE product every day until the end of May. Read more here: Contest Details
Kate · May 14, 2007 at 11:37 pm
Love the BumGenius diapers!! We have been using cloth for a year now with occasional Tendercare disposables when traveling. We love cloth diapers for all the reasons you listed, plus you can buy super cute covers!
Amy · May 14, 2007 at 11:47 pm
Gorgeous Lilies, gorgeous daughter! I used cloth for my three in the beginning until the laundry wore me down. Nice to see more eco-friendly alternatives out there for new mom’s out there.
laura · May 15, 2007 at 12:09 am
Sadly, I already had a stash full of FBs and Swaddlebees when BGs came onto the scene!
Richard · May 15, 2007 at 1:26 am
Love the cloth diapers!
Kait · May 15, 2007 at 5:47 am
I am going to try cloth diapers this time around and have purchased a few AIOs. I have no experience with pocket diapers and would love the chance to test them out!
Susy-Q · May 15, 2007 at 6:50 am
Lilies are my favourite too. I got married with a bouquet of Calla Lilies in my hand.
I use cloth diapers with my son and love it. I use bummis covers over prefolds. The system works well enough that my husband has no problem changing his diapers. I am curious to know what most mommies use for overnight? I heard wool covers were great at night. That would be a fabulous giveaway idea!
Nenni · May 15, 2007 at 8:39 am
I will love to try this diaper! My girl is 100% cloth diaper, but I never try one of this brand!
Mary-Jo · May 15, 2007 at 8:42 am
I used a diaper service for my first child which was obviously, very easy but a little too expensive for our budget. With my second I purchased motherease diapers and covers and have been really happy with their form and function. Washing isn’t so bad either…I would love to try out the BumGenius by way of comparison! Using cloth makes me feel like I am making a positive choice for the environment.
Montserrat · May 15, 2007 at 9:45 am
I know I won yesterday’s prize, but I wanted to comment about cloth diapers. I’ve used them with my last six children (I have seven) and LOVE them! My recent favorites are the BumGenius but I also love Little Beetles. The MotherEase I bought when I first started last a long time. I still have a few of those. Anyway, if you’re interested you can read what else I’ve written about it here:
Naomi · May 15, 2007 at 9:54 am
Wow, Georgia matches the lilies! So cute.
I used disposables with my now three year old daughter but I am considering options for the baby due this summer. So far I am thinking gDiapers might be the best compromise for me, cloth outer with a flushable liner. I know I am lazy and hate doing any more laundry than I have to but I also like to compost and feel like I am doing something for the environment. I am a little scared of cloth diapering although I was scared of breastfeeding and ended up doing that for more than two years…
Stephanie · May 15, 2007 at 10:02 am
I have always been afraid of cloth diapers, but feel completely guilty using disposable. Cloth diapers from “days of old†seemed leaky and unsanitary. Thank you, I am excited to give these a try!
Janice · May 15, 2007 at 10:13 am
I cloth diapered my little one at first. It make me feel good to take care of his skin and the environment. I made tiny AIOs before he was born. Then I made bigger ones, with the help of friends & family. I haven’t gotten around to making the next size. I can see the pile of materials out of the corner of my eye. (Come on, me, at least get a few done!! Half-time in cloth would be better than no time).
We hope to have a second child, so we’ll be all set to do it again.
I would love to try the Bumgenius 2.0.
Desi · May 15, 2007 at 10:46 am
I would love to try the new diaper! We use lots of pocket diapers around here – mostly Fuzzi Bunz and home-made ones. I love cloth diapers and there are so many news ones on the market lately. I’d love to try them all! :-)
Mary C · May 15, 2007 at 11:41 am
I have always used disposable diapers, but would love to try these. Maybe I’ll convert!
Also- beautiful flowers! (and I just finished The Glass Castle-was that part of your present? It was wonderful!)
Katie · May 15, 2007 at 12:06 pm
Those diapers look awesome! We used disposables with our first. With our second, we started out with cloth (I made some using a modified PooPockets pattern, and we also had prefolds), but switched to disposables soon after I went back to work and dh was in charge of the laundry ;-P
Erin · May 15, 2007 at 1:25 pm
I love, love, love cloth. I have a mixed stash of many types of diapers, and I use cloth wipes too. BumGenius are awesome. I have some of the 1.0s and didn’t like them as well, but I recently got a 2.0 and it is wonderful! I could never use disposables now that I have tried cloth – they don’t even make sense to me anymore. It seems so weird that other parents throw so many diapers away every day instead of having a reusable product. Using cloth has inspired me to replace other paper and disposable products in my life with reusable alternatives as well.
Lucy · May 15, 2007 at 2:05 pm
I plan to use cloth diapers when my baby comes! These days they are all so pretty and look so easy to use!
Katie · May 15, 2007 at 2:08 pm
I use cloth and would love to branch out of my Motherease comfort zone. If I win this I might have to buy a few more from you!
Julie · May 15, 2007 at 2:48 pm
I love BumGenius diapers! We use a mix of cloth and disposable diapers. I try to use cloth when I’m at home and disposable when we go out and at night.
Jessica · May 15, 2007 at 3:13 pm
What a great idea to have a giveaway to encourage parents to share thoughts/ideas/etc… It’s so important for parents to share what works for them so we can learn from each other.
We are cloth diapering our son (4 weeks old today) with a mix of prefolds/covers and pockets. Of the pockets, the bumGenius 2.0 has been my favorite so far because it seems to fit him best (we have FBs, Huggabuns, a BerryPlush, and a HH). The one size insert is great too! I really hope the bG fits him throughout his diapering years.
We did not cloth diaper our daughter (4 on May 23) and we regret it. She had horrible diaper rash, and I am convinced it is largely due to the disposables. Our son has had no rash so far and we don’t use any creams, etc… I’m not sure what we will do when we travel but if others have hints, suggestions, I would love the help.
I would love to win the bG 2.0 because I would love to use these more exclusively as my little one grows.
Thanks again for this blog! Best wishes, Jessica
Lacey · May 15, 2007 at 3:26 pm
We use paper diapers. I am very interested in cloth diapers and have been looking at several sites since beginning the great cloth diaper hunt.
by the way, the diaper hunt is so fun! An internet scavenger hunt. Check it out.
There are so many questions I have. Maybe just buying a few and trying it out is what I need to do. Maybe winning a diaper and trying it out is what I need to do.
Clare · May 15, 2007 at 4:19 pm
We used cloth diapers from the day my daughter could fit them (she was preemie). I purchased all of the diapers we own from you and we love them! She even uses the kushies swim diapers and training pants. We plan to use cloth with any future children as well. I would love to try these!
Deborah · May 15, 2007 at 6:21 pm
I currently am using disposables, as I don’t have any newborn size cloth diapers. I plan to start cloth diapering in the next few days because my baby is starting to grow into the ones I have. Speaking of which, my cloth diapers are homemade and VERY bulky. I would love to try out the BumGenius and see how that one is.
Jennifer Bogart · May 15, 2007 at 7:23 pm
We’ve clothed both of our babies bottoms, so much more affordable! We do use paper at night and on the road :).
Amy :) · May 15, 2007 at 9:40 pm
We use disposable diapers here. We (well, I) did think about cloth but laziness more than anything took over. I’d be more than willing to try cloth though, should I win one ;) The only thing I worry about is that right now we’re having to use overnight-style diapers all the time (more absorbent) and sometimes they STILL don’t hold it all in!
lolly · May 15, 2007 at 9:55 pm
Ooh, I would LOVE to try bumgenius! I use cloth, mostly homemade VB AIO’s. For all the reasons you listed. Love the video.
sneekerchik · May 15, 2007 at 10:57 pm
I used cloth diapers for the most part with my now 10 year old daughter. I have 1 wool liner left, but have only used it a couple of times with my second daughter. Basically just when she had a rash. I am ecofriendly, but I love the convenience of disposable diapers. I know, hang my head in shame:( I would love to try something that grows with baby, We can’t afford to change cover sizes as she grows.
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