May Madness – Day 19 – Jack and Lily Soft Soled Shoes (Puppies)

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Winner is: #10 – Monkey Kisses (Liz)


Is it a puppy, or a baby? We’re not sure …

Georgia is a dog lover, so much so that she often “acts” like a dog! Recently she was spotted running up and down the back fence yelling “bark, bark, bark” at the neighbor dogs (along with the help of our friendly shitzu).

Georgia with collar 2
This morning she insisted her ensemble include the dog’s collar (note the butterfly head band underneath. This is her pretend dog collar). I get a little bit of comfort knowing that if she runs off, as puppies often do, they’ll know who her parents are!

She’s been known to lick and pant (yes, I know it’s odd!)

Georgia - Dog Food Problem
Probably, the most distressing behavior is her love of dog food. We have to keep it out of her reach, which makes it difficult for our 9lb pup Maggie (our real dog) to get enough to eat. Georgia’s a very picky eater, so I don’t get it? Imagine my stress levels during the dog food recalls. All dog food is now behind locked doors and in baby proof bins, so please – DON’T. CALL. SOCIAL. SERVICES.

Hey! It’s not that weird, Pioneer Woman’s kid sleeps naked and dirty out in the elements! Can you tell yet that I love this blog?

In the spirit of my puppy loving toddler, I am going to give away some really cute K-9 themed Baby Shoes from Jack and Lily.

Jack and Lily Free Shoe Contest @
If you have a boy you may choose from one of the styles and sizes shown above (bone/blue puppy 0-6m, brown/brown puppy 6-12, navy/blue puppy 12-18m – these 3 are all best selling retired styles). If you have a girl you may choose from any of the following sizes in the pink poodle style (0-6m, 6-12m, 12-18m and 18-24m).

We have a great selection of baby shoes – so make sure to pop on over and have a look.

To be eligible to win you have to comment AND if your kid’s has odd-ball tendencies (like mine), let me know, it’ll make me feel better :)

Note: ALL Baby Shoes featured in May Madness have been added to the MayMadness coupon promo so if you don’t win’em you can buy’em … cheap like!

I’m giving away a FREE product every day until the end of May. Read more here: Contest Details

Categories: FamilyGeneral


Nicole · May 25, 2007 at 11:09 pm

no worries, my babe (1 yr) is into the cat food EVERY DAY. and her water. he’d be in the poopy catbox too if i didn’t keep it locked away. and i only recently convinced the big brothers to just pretend to lick me and other random objects, rather than actually dragging their tongues along furniture/toys/my face.

i am determined to win something, anything–have you noticed?–as i have a bajillion new babies in my life. 2 sets of twins, two boys, a girl, and more on the way this summer…i can’t afford such fertile friends! i am sad i was out of town for the last draw–that pouch is gorgeous. your store = awesome.

Angella · May 25, 2007 at 11:19 pm

Georgia? Is adorable. I CAN’T WAIT for Emily to have hair! Oh, the pony tails.

I see that my friend Kami won on the last contest…I keep hoping…

And once my work lets up, I’m going to hopefully do some damage with May Madness on your site :)

Mom2Six · May 25, 2007 at 11:48 pm

Your daughter is beautiful! My kids also love the dog food–at Grandma’s house!

I would love those shoes for my own little guy. Our house came with flagstone floors, and it is like crawling on sandpaper! Perhaps those shoes will hold up better than his socks! They are also so adorable–my three-year-old will be jealous!

Pam · May 26, 2007 at 12:03 am

My 8 1/2 old daughter acts like a puppy all the time. We don’t even have pets so I don’t know where she picked it up from.
In the morning she’ll hear our bedroom door open and she’ll crawl to the bottom of her crib (closest to the door) and sit there on all fours until we come and get her….even if it’s five minutes before we go in there she’ll still be sitting there waiting.
She chases after balls. Okay that’s normal for a baby.
If you put cheerios on the surface she is sitting on to eat she may eat them by licking them off the surface (has done it before).
She’s spit up on the floor and before we could get to it started to lap it up with her tongue (ewww!)
And yesterday she picked up her sippy cup by the straw – I guess it’s a straw cup not a sippy cup then – in her mouth and proceeded to crawl across the room holding the sippy cup in her mouth by the straw. That was really cute but looked like something only a dog would do. And she likes to play with squeak toys. If my daughter could talk I suspect she would bark. Can I have those cute shoes for my daughter who would like to be a puppy?

Michelle · May 26, 2007 at 12:09 am

Okay, so I’m feeling very lucky that my babe only likes to drop the cat food pellets into the cat’s water dish, and doesn’t actually try to *eat* the stuff. But she does plenty of weird things, like lie face down in the tub after the water has drained out and lick the bottom. Those shoes are so cute, and look amazingly comfortable. They should make them in adult sizes, with martini appliques or something like that on them.

Here’s hoping you decide to continue the fun through the month of June, since I just found your site today, and feel like I missed out on so much!

Yan · May 26, 2007 at 1:29 am

Awww, Georgia is so CUTE :)

My 2 year old son loves to use chopstick to eat everything, even soup. He is an expert at using it, better then a lot of adults I know. Here are some picture of him using chopstick.

Kait · May 26, 2007 at 6:14 am

Oh, I love those little poodle shoes!

My son doesn’t act like a dog, but I used to when I was little. My sister said I crawled on all fours and barked at everyone. So, no worries, I’m a perfectly normal adult…

Lacey · May 26, 2007 at 7:26 am

I have a cousin who pretended to be a dog until 9 years old. He barked and panted everytime I saw him. He is 13 now and I have not seen him pretend to be a dog in awhile.

Christine L. · May 26, 2007 at 8:14 am

Great shoes!!!
My youngest son, enjoys being a dog, as well. Although we haven’t fit him for a collar yet. ;) :D

liz- Monkey Kisses · May 26, 2007 at 8:16 am

I love jack and lilly shoes.. they are awesome…
and that picture with the dog collar is adorable..

Carrie Lehr · May 26, 2007 at 8:41 am

I finally had to start feeding the dogs outside because my son ate more dog food then peoople food. Which wasn’t hard to do considering he refuses to eat more then 2 bites per meal.

Naomi · May 26, 2007 at 9:25 am

We had four cats when Roo was born and she quickly joined their circle. When she was first learning to crawl, she used to headbutt them in the hindquarters and rub against them. I was afraid she was going to exhibit kitty tendencies forever but she kind of outgrew it. Then again, she licked me on the face yesterday and said she was giving me a puppy kiss. Ick.

Helen · May 26, 2007 at 9:30 am

My 2 year old also thinks she is a puppy. We had to banish our poor pup downstairs to eat his food and drink his water as I caught her on all fours, one day, eating out of his bowl. YUCK! I can so relate!

Helen · May 26, 2007 at 9:31 am

Oh I should add that I just love those pink poodle shoes!

MommyKnows · May 26, 2007 at 9:33 am

Carrie – Georgia is exactly the same! I don’t get it … DOG food, could it really taste better than my cooking?

Monkey Kisses – Thank you!

Yan – the chopstick pictures are so cute!

The rest of you ARE making me feel better!

Janice · May 26, 2007 at 9:42 am

Oh, Georgia is SO cute! And thet shoes are pretty cute, too.

My baby is only 10 months old, so he does’t have any really weird stuff he does yet. But, he gestures when he babbles. Arms up, arms sweeping, head turns and nods, and if he is lying down he talks with his feet, too.

We going to a party out of town tonight, camping. I will be so bummed if I don’t make it home in time to post tomorrow. I think I’ve entered your contest (and won once!! thanks!) every day.

Mama K · May 26, 2007 at 10:13 am

Yeah, my kid loves cat food. I keep putting it up, and then the cat wants it and I put it down. I forget and the next thing I know my 9mo has a made a snack of it. I too thought about that pet food recall.

Love the soft shoes! The brown/brown are my favorites, but I think the 12-18mo ones are the size we need. Hope I win! : )

Mama K · May 26, 2007 at 10:20 am

PS I linked to your contest again, but this time at my favorite AP-minded forum

Susy-Q · May 26, 2007 at 11:29 am

The shoes are a great giveaway! Love them all and my son would love to have a pair that would match his real dog Zack!

My son is only 9-months old and his only quirk *for now* is biting! So yes, I guess he likes to act like a dog too–one that bites!

Montserrat · May 26, 2007 at 11:43 am

I’ve already said how much I love Jack and Lily shoes. My 4 year old has this weird fetish with scissors. She collects all the scissors around the house and then lines them up according to size and plays with them like they are dolls. I was worried about all the sharp pointy scissors so watched her one day without her knowing. She was very careful. Thank Goodness!

Laura · May 26, 2007 at 12:07 pm

Love it..too cute. Hey, and you can hear her jangling as she runs through the house. Annslee likes to act like a dog, monkey, name it!

Pinks & Blues · May 26, 2007 at 1:15 pm

Love the photos of your daughter! Now that is great! My oldest son – William, who is 2 1/2 – pretends he’s a dog all the time! He loves to eat his Cheerio’s sometimes on all 4’s! Not kidding! My husband and I videotaped it so he believes us someday! :)
And I am so excited about your contest!! Yeah!!
– Audrey
Pinks & Blues Girls

Mrs. Pear · May 26, 2007 at 1:39 pm

We have loved soft soled shoes for Miss Pear, and I am on the hunt for some for our soon arriving niece or nephew…any day now!

Dawn · May 26, 2007 at 2:00 pm

My daughter loves to meow like our kittens. She has also attempted to “use” the litter box. Luckily I realized what she was doing in time. She likes to also watch the kittens go potty and then try to scoop it out!

We haven’t tried Jack and Lilly shoes yet. Would love to win some!

Magi · May 26, 2007 at 2:09 pm

My 13-month-old daughter, Sera, hasn’t really had a chance yet to get into the dog food. It’s behind the baby gate. Right now her big thing is saying hi to anything with a face, especially our 90-lb golden retriever/german shephard mix dog, Shadow. They have a deal. She doesn’t complain when he licks her head. He doesn’t complain when she sits on his paws.

glittersmama · May 26, 2007 at 2:35 pm

I don’t know if I’m allowed to win more than once. With my odds, it will never happen, but I just think those shoes are cute. My baby isn’t old to enough to act like our puppies yet, but she likes to eat sand by the handful!

Jennifer Bogart · May 26, 2007 at 2:56 pm

I love shoes, and so do the girls. Rose is always into her grandparents dogs food bowl :(!

Julie · May 26, 2007 at 4:27 pm

Those shoes are adorable!

My 10 month old (her name is Georgia, also) likes to crawl to our dog’s toys and tries to gnaw on them. She is especially attracted to his bone. Not sure what the appeal is! Apparently all along I should have been buying dog toys for her to play with instead of spending so much money on educational toys for her!

Kara · May 26, 2007 at 6:00 pm

The shoes are very adorable.

I do have to say that I think that it seems to be normal for kids to like either the dog food or the dog toys. I know I have a few friends with kids and this seems to be fairly common. Just think of all the stories you will have about your girl when she grows up.

Corey · May 26, 2007 at 6:54 pm

My daughter likes to count my moles before she nurses…I think she might be a budding OCD girl. eeeekkkkk

Lisa · May 26, 2007 at 7:07 pm

My 18 month old barks all the time and we taught the dog to jump over the baby gate to get his food. Otherwise my boy would eat it all. The shoes look very cute. My guy only wears soft soled shoes as they are so comfortable.

Deanne S. · May 26, 2007 at 8:47 pm

Love the poodle shoes, those Jack and Lily shoes are awesome!

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