June Jive – Day 21 FREE Parade PURE Romper (Again!)

**Comments Closed**
Winner is: #27 Cherylyn
Yesterday, was a long, busy but lazy day. I did tons of work, but most of it from my bed. My sinus infection has migrated and taken up residence in my chest and I feel pretty rotten! After my bout with pneumonia a couple of months ago I figure I should take it easy. I have a great boss (me), who doesn’t mind me working @ home in my PJ’s.
I truly believe that as North Americans we have won a birth lottery. The fact that we all are communicating online by computer means that we are more fortunate than 99% of the worlds population (I read this somewhere once, don’t remember where and don’t want to argue about it, but I think it is true). I think we have a moral responsibility to the rest of the human race and especially the children.
For many years prior to Georgia’s birth, I along with Heather @ OMSH managed an non-profit organization that supported nearly 500 orphans ages 0-12 years old in two orphanages in Kherson, Ukraine. We provided the children with formula, food, clothing, bedding, toys and school supplies. It was rewarding work! About one month after Georgia was born, my business partner quit (www.thebabymarketplace.com partner). Leaving me with a sole responsiblity of a very busy baby business and a newborn. NOT GOOD and down right selfish timing, I am still not quite over it, but that’s a whole other post.
Something had to give and Heather and I both decided that we didn’t have the time to do www.aidfororphans.org justice and decided that we had to let it go. It was a very difficult decision to make and I cried for months worrying about the children and how they would cope. We did leave them in very good condition (nearly 7,000 USD of formula and supplies were delivered before we stopped). A huge construction project that included major renovations including plastering, electrical, plumbing, flooring, doors, windows, new kitchen and bathrooms was completed. You think doing renovations in person is difficult try being 10K miles away and communicating in two different languages (enough to put me in the nut house) and even more good news the orphanage “wish list” had changed from formula, food and clothing –> dvd players, tv’s and computers. A sign that they were no longer desperate for the necessities.
Potty Time @ Kherson Baby Home – Now you know why I cried!
For months now I have been thinking about Africa and it’s orphans. So much so, that I have been writing to orphanages offering my assistance. I am ready and willing to take on a project, but no one has responded. So when reading the blog of one of my readers Laura, I was intrigued by this post. I checked out this site: Grace & Hope and now I am the proud sponsor of these two small angels.
My girls :) Jessica and Dana (don’t hold me to that I picked them with out writing down the details. So I don’t know the orphanage, nor am I positive of the names).
I haven’t thought out my plan well enough yet to talk specifics here on the blog, but I figure with the nearly 10,000 people that read our www.thebabymarketplace.com newsletter and the hundreds more that pop over here each day, I we could make a real difference, just like we did in Ukraine.
I passed on the links to the Organic Clothing Post to the good folks @ Parade.ca and they have generously donated THREE rompers. I will give away one more today and then another later in the month.
Today I Parade is giving away an Organic Baby Romper from their PURE collection (same as yesterday). They are made using certified organic cotton and produced in sweatshop free enviroments using fairtrade.
One piece heaven. So comfy for baby at home or out on the town. Available in pear green, dirt brown or mandarin orange with natural pocket and trim. Cost $26.50 USD / $28.00 CAD (This price is in line with many of the leading designer brands and quality manufacturers).
To be eligible to win please leave a comment.
Note: ALL Parade Rompers have been added to the June Jive / May Madness coupon promo so if you don’t win’em you can buy’em … cheap like!
I’m giving away a FREE product every day until the end of June. Read more here: Contest Details
Visit www.thebabymarketplace.com for a great selection of baby shoes and baby clothes, cloth diapers too, and don’t forget the baby toys!
Beth · June 21, 2007 at 9:09 am
Still love them!
Yan · June 21, 2007 at 9:25 am
I wish they come in larger sizes, how do they fit, are they on the small side like sweet peanut?
Diane · June 21, 2007 at 9:35 am
I can imagine potty training all those little ones, and I thought potty training in a toddler daycare was nuts!
Deb · June 21, 2007 at 9:52 am
I, too, have a heart for kids who are less fortunate. Sometimes I think as I talk to my 2 month old and she responds – how many kids out there (in orphanages or without parents) are missing out on this human interaction? Let alone the other basic necessities in life! We sponsor a boy in Rwanda and in the future, I would be more than willing to sponsor more. Africa has always been foremost in my mind when it comes to kids in need. I hope your project works out – I’d be willing to help in any way I can.
Susy-Q · June 21, 2007 at 10:08 am
The romper will be perfect for my next baby! (I am already excited about the next baby and I am not even pregnant yet).
AIDS is destroying many families in Africa and it is so unbelievable how many children are left without parents or family. It’s hard to imagine the hardships when we live in such luxury, yet thousands of children suffer every day. Makes my little troubles seem so petty.
Montserrat · June 21, 2007 at 10:18 am
You’re such a wonderful example of goodness and charity! There are so many different ways to help and serve others. One just needs to find their passion and use it for good. I whole-heartedly believe that whatever service we render, no matter how small, is reciprocated back to us tenfold. Everyone benefits.
Lisa · June 21, 2007 at 10:19 am
I also have a heart for needy children. I adopted my youngest child from fostercare and am waiting for God to continue to bless my family with more children who need a permanent home.
Keara · June 21, 2007 at 10:36 am
Oh I LOVE the green!!! So perfect for my new baby!
Deanne S. · June 21, 2007 at 10:39 am
You sure have a big heart! I admire you for trying to find more kids to help with your busy schedule! Keep us posted if you find something we can all help with!!!
liz · June 21, 2007 at 11:00 am
I love the rompers!!!! :-)
Aimee · June 21, 2007 at 11:02 am
Beautiful and meaningful. Thanks for reminding us to appreciate how blessed we are, I admit I was having a spoiled brat moment but you’ve snapped me out of it.
Oh, and I’d like to win a romper, too.
alison · June 21, 2007 at 12:00 pm
You certainly know how to stay busy. I’m sure you’ll make a great difference in the lives of those little girls.
lacey · June 21, 2007 at 12:07 pm
Congratulations on your new little ones! Look at that smile on that baby.
Mimi · June 21, 2007 at 12:37 pm
Wow! You are AMAZING Kim… Thank you for all you do!
Laura · June 21, 2007 at 12:46 pm
You truly do give hope and affirm that one person really CAN make a difference. Sometimes this world seems so big that we feel really small and insignificant.
I agree — being born in North America IS like winning the lottery. And it should instill us a sense of responsibility and even obligation for being so privileged.
Sometimes we don’t want to open our hearts because, with all the injustice and suffering that is out there, they can easily be broken. It takes real courage to reach out the way you do — you go girl!
Susanne · June 21, 2007 at 1:07 pm
What a wonderful story! My heart breaks for those orphans. We need more people like you out there who really make a difference. I sponsor a child through Compassion Int’l, but I want to do more in the future. I wish I could really adopt all of those precious babies.
Kilikina · June 21, 2007 at 1:11 pm
Count me in!
Naomi · June 21, 2007 at 1:19 pm
That is a really great story. My daughter is three now and we are expecting a boy soon. I wonder if you have any advice to share about raising kids with a philanthropic sense? I am on a committee that does a major annual fundraiser for our local zoo and other community projects so Roo is familiar with the concept, but I am curious if anyone has any advice on instilling a sense of charity into the preschool set.
Ooh, and I would LOVE to win a Parade romper for Jasper!
artsweet · June 21, 2007 at 1:22 pm
I’m still in love with those rompers for my sweetness who is COMING HOME FROM GUATEMALA SOON!
Jennifer Walker · June 21, 2007 at 1:53 pm
I love the orange romper! So cute for either a boy or a girl. Crossing my fingers!
MonaB · June 21, 2007 at 2:38 pm
The rompers are so cute.
We all need to sit back and reflect on all the wonderful things we take for granted and remember some people out there can only dream of the simple things in life. I try to remember that every day and do all that I can to help.
Kami · June 21, 2007 at 3:02 pm
I often think of all the children who don’t have all that my kids do… good for you for doing something about it.
Marcy · June 21, 2007 at 5:11 pm
These rompers are super cute.
Alexia · June 21, 2007 at 5:42 pm
The rompers are still totally cute and I would love to have my new little one (due any day now) wear one!
Lesha Anderson · June 21, 2007 at 5:58 pm
Super cute!
katie bowen · June 21, 2007 at 6:18 pm
oh these are just so cute and look so comfy… u need mommy sizes…as tired as i am in the morning these would be great improvment to my pjs…oh, back to the kids and what color would look cutest? i love ’em all. the green is very cute, but the brown could disguise those oatmeal spills!
Cherylyn · June 21, 2007 at 6:30 pm
So cute! Thanks for raising awareness of environmental and social needs, it’s so easy to get focused on us, and not the world around us! Keep up the great work!
tanyetta · June 21, 2007 at 8:03 pm
if i win i will send it to my sister in law. she just had a baby boy. cute cute cute!
Carol · June 21, 2007 at 8:24 pm
I know so many people having babies right now. This would be a great gift.
Annette · June 21, 2007 at 8:42 pm
We are so lucky here. It is so easy to just get caught in the trap of buying the cheapest clothing possible (as probably it will end up being ruined during outdoor play) and not thinking about how it was so cheap in the first place. I must admit that I am guilty of this crime but you have made me think twice and I am going to start to find more about the companies that I buy clothing from. Yes, cost can be an issue but if I buy a quality organic cotton item it will probably last much longer than the cheaper clothing anyway.
We already sponsor a child from Mexico through compassion canada. We are considering adding to our sponsorship but I am equally interested in anything which you may set up.
You know what, if you select me to win the romper. I don’t want to receive the romper. Please can you keep it and send it out to a worthwhile cause. If more of us chose to do this then maybe the world would be a better place.
Richard · June 21, 2007 at 10:11 pm
Hope you feel better soon Kim!
Priya · June 22, 2007 at 12:29 am
I cant beleive I never ever came to know about this site before. I just stumbled across while googling babylegs!!! I loved ur blog and am bookmarking it.
I love the babies, hope u can meet them one day in person. Its nice to see that girls from developing /third world countries are wanted by some atleast. Lets hope the disparity keeps decreasing.
Kait · June 22, 2007 at 5:34 am
I think the brown one is my favorite :)
maddiesmom · June 22, 2007 at 8:05 am
The babies are precious! Thanks for the info. We all need to do our part to help the world. I like the orange one.
Julie · June 22, 2007 at 8:36 am
I love those rompers – so cute!
Pam · June 22, 2007 at 8:37 am
Those rompers are still the cutest thing! And I think it’s great the work you did in Ukraine and that you continue on with your giving spirit with those two sweet little girls.
Organic Baby Jolijn · August 8, 2011 at 5:35 pm
The organic baby rompers are very pretty, babies are so fragile and every mom would like the best fo her baby. This is just what babies need to have sweet dreams.
myspace · October 4, 2007 at 2:38 pm