Jammin’ in July – Playing Catch Up!

Whew! I’ve spent the last few days recovering from the long weekend. Mostly work … I love my work, but I hate to fall behind (we’re not behind –> just in case you ordered and are worried :) if you ordered before 2 pm today … it’s in the mail (honest).
When I am not working Georgia and I have been walking. It’s odd not to have to walk the kids to school in the morning, I find I have had to force myself to get out and MOVE.
Walking also includes a stop at the park for Georgia, hence, all the forthcoming park photo’s.
Yesterday, she was sporting this super cute LOVE skirt from Mish Mish and Bical Grippers (we gave away some Mish Mish in May)! As you can see she *hearts* the park. The hat is from SunSmart and goes with the SuperMan and SuperGirl sun protective clothing. Remind me to get the hats on the site … so cute and they WORK. No burnt scalps on this kid!!
Good shot of the hat you can’t buy yet, the boys version is red/blue.
Today she was wearing her Deux Par Deux Kiss Me Dress. The dress actually comes with a bolero jacket, but it was just too darn warm. So cute though.
Georgia is a climber, I am thinking this is one of those playground zones CrabMommy would rate as Beige Helix. CrabMommy disapproves of Xtreme-Playground sports, but I totally see Georgia on the podium at the 2020 Olympics – this is no playground ladies (and Richard – are there any other men out there?) this is a training ground for future Olympians (tongue in cheek … no hate mail please – she does this voluntarily).
We have a bit of summer stock left and since I am not giving away FREE stuff on the weekends in July (because I’m lazy) I thought I’d feature a few items here (see clothing on kid in above pictures) and offer you 40% off the Mish Mish Love Skirt and the Deux par Deux Kiss Me Dress & Bolero. The Deux par Deux will go on sale next week (if I get time, but not 40%) , this is a good time to get the size you prefer without the mad rush. When we put on a sale the notice goes out to about 9000+ BabyMarketplace Members and stuff goes quick.
If you’d like the Mish Mish LOVE skirt @ 40% off use coupon code: jijlove40
If you’d like the Deux par Deux Kiss Me Dress & Bolero @ 40% off use coupon code: jijk9340
Does this all sound like a sales pitch?? Hmmm … well that’s probably because you’re getting used to getting stuff for FREE, it’s not really (it is … but shhhhhh).
So I’m curious … will you leave me a comment when there is no contest? smooch …
I’m giving away a FREE product every week day until the end of July. Read more here: Contest Details
Visit www.thebabymarketplace.com for a great selection of baby shoes and baby clothes, cloth diapers too, and don’t forget the baby toys
Montserrat · July 6, 2007 at 11:34 pm
I LOVE the hat! That is so darn cute.
A playground around here would be nice. All there is to climb on are bales of hay and corrals.
MommyKnows · July 6, 2007 at 11:41 pm
Hey Montse, I think my kids prefer my parents farm to the park anyday … they love jumping from bale to bale, making forts, feeding calves …
Priya · July 7, 2007 at 12:18 am
love the hat & the dress…cute :)
Richard · July 7, 2007 at 12:44 am
Oh wait… no contest?
jenB · July 7, 2007 at 1:14 am
I love love love the love skirt. I wonder how much buying it will increase my chances of divorce? Maybe I will call it a gift for someone.
And sweet mother of pearl it is hot. I am sleeping on the futon in the basement tonight. last night too.
jenB · July 7, 2007 at 1:15 am
Argh! only a 5T left. Oh well.
Corey · July 7, 2007 at 1:40 am
I have been trying to figure something out about my win in June…can you contact me????
glittersmama · July 7, 2007 at 6:01 am
I love the hat that you can’t buy yet. Nice teaser. :)
Susy-Q · July 7, 2007 at 6:04 am
My son is way too young for playgrounds just yet. He would probably eat way too much sand. He is a climber though. He unfortunately has learned how to climb stairs and if his legs were long enough, would be climbing on the couch. He is only 10.5 months old. Things will get exciting once he learns how to walk!!!
Marla · July 7, 2007 at 6:15 am
I absolutely ADORE that dress and skirt….sure makes me wish I had a little girl I could buy one for! I wouldn’t trade my son, tho ~ and my youngest daughter is 19 now!
Safire · July 7, 2007 at 6:35 am
I’m glad I’m not the only one with an x-tream climber on their hands. At least yours climbs the playground equipment and not the kitchen cabints!!
Kilikina · July 7, 2007 at 6:45 am
I like the cute little dress, very, very cute. And her blonde hair is gorgeous!
Mama K · July 7, 2007 at 8:05 am
She’s a cutie! Love those curls.
Deb · July 7, 2007 at 8:11 am
I have to agree with a pp…the dress and your daughter are so sweet! I admit, I love having girls to buy for (and with 3 girls, I find it easy to justify it).
Lacey · July 7, 2007 at 9:02 am
Thanks for visiting me today. Enter some contests yourself and get some free stuff from other sites. There are many great contests going on right now.
I love the love skirt.
artsweet · July 7, 2007 at 9:05 am
Just saying hi!
Laura · July 7, 2007 at 12:08 pm
I have a climber here too! Only 18 months old and she insists on giving me heart palpitations every time we’re in the backyard. Apparently the slide is for climbing on top of in order to secure a good position for dangling from the rest of the swingset. What I don’t get is that she is actually a little chicken to go down the slide and so will go down on her tummy. But no problem with risking her neck!
Thanks for the great sale! My kids are growing fast and I thought they would be set for clothing this summer… but apparently not.
Love the pics! It’s nice to see the clothing on a real live one… helps get a better idea of what they really look like. Plus it reminds me how much I love those Bical grippers and makes me wonder why I didn’t get more after my kids grew out of theirs!
Nicole · July 7, 2007 at 12:46 pm
She looks like she’s having fun!
Janice · July 7, 2007 at 1:02 pm
I love the “love” skirt! I’m at peace now with not having a girl to shop for, I am happy just “window shopping”. (my sister, when I was pregnant and found out that my fluffy pink fantasies were’t coming true, made me shop for boys stuff, just to prove some of it is cute in it’s own way)
Cherylyn · July 7, 2007 at 1:22 pm
My kids love the playground as much as I hate it. May have something to do with a 1 and 2 year old that seem to be completely fearless. My 15 month old often tries to walk down the slide, often as his brother is pretneding he is 6 and standing up on the swing! Your girl sure looks cute!
Naomi · July 7, 2007 at 1:33 pm
Aww, Georgia is so cute and the playground pics make me feel massively guilty for not taking Roo to the park more often because mommy is feeling hot and swollen…
Lesha Anderson · July 7, 2007 at 4:45 pm
She is adorable!
Jamie · July 7, 2007 at 7:27 pm
Ah yes. The climbers. Doesn’t that make you feel like you need a defribulator (sp?) on hand for your own heart??
Kami · July 7, 2007 at 8:51 pm
I want that skirt! It’s a good thing I only have boys… the damage I would do would be catastrophic.
jw4mkc · July 7, 2007 at 11:55 pm
I love the dress & skirt – heck, I love it all! Harlie got her grippers in last week and we LOVE them. They are a size too big and she needs to grow a bit, but we used them at the lake and everyone loved them – In fact, I refused to let her get in the lake with them – they were too cute to ruin! Don’t blame you for taking weekends off. Who wants to work weekends?
Yan · July 8, 2007 at 1:32 am
You’ve got a pretty model, she is so cute :)
Kait · July 8, 2007 at 6:14 am
I hadn’t ever heard of Mish Mish before I read your blog, but I’m sure glad I did! It is all so cute.
katie bowen · July 8, 2007 at 11:52 am
love the blog! the crocodile creek lunchbox that we won a few weeks ago has been a major hit! happy summer! stay cool!
Andrea · July 8, 2007 at 2:53 pm
Of course I’ll still leave you a comment! :) Those are adorable pics…and of course I LOVE your blog! It’s so fun! :) Have a SUPER weekend!
Lisa · July 8, 2007 at 4:07 pm
The skirt is adorable too bad I have a boy. Great sale too.
Deanne S. · July 8, 2007 at 7:43 pm
Very cute clothes – too late for the skirt – only large sizes left….
MommyKnows · July 8, 2007 at 7:46 pm
Skirt is elasticated at the back. Georgia is wearing the size 5. Small sizes have been sold out for a long time. Last fall she wore the size 2! There is only about a 1/2″ between the sizes so the 5 is only 1.5″ wider and longer than the 2 and with the elastic and snap adusting waist it is very versatile.
Georgia usually wears a size 3 (is 34lbs and 37″ tall).
Angella · July 8, 2007 at 9:17 pm
She? IS ADORABLE! I have two boys…
MonaB · July 9, 2007 at 9:05 pm
Love the skirt……….I will have to take advantage of your sale……
Tasha · July 9, 2007 at 10:54 pm
Love the hat, it’s so cute!!!