Jammin’ in July – FREE Imse Vimse Training Pants
**Comments Closed**
**UPDATE** So busy … holding this over until Wednesday p.m. and will give two pair away.**
I have this ‘NO fail potty training programâ„¢’, that I haven’t begun with Georgia yet. Mostly because I am not ready and it requires staying home for 1 week (seven whole days) and I have plans every weekend until mid-August that require one or both of us leaving the premises.
I am not going to tell you about the ‘NO fail potty training programâ„¢’ until it begins, BUT I think I may have to cancel my some of my weekend plans because Georgia is training herself (AND we can’t have that, it’s my job damn-it). Do you think I could call and say I can’t make this weekends wedding because Georgia’s poopin’ on the potty and we can’t do go AWOL on the ‘NO fail potty training programâ„¢’? Or next weekend, we are planning to meet up with friends from Louisiana in Banff, you think maybe they could change their flights? Or the weekend after that a 40th anniversary party / camping trip, do you think you could you postpone it?
NOPE it ain’t gonna happen!
Georgia started her day by peeing on the potty, and then about 30 minutes ago, we found her in the bathroom wiping her butt and yelling “I pooped!” (she DID).
HEY, aren’t you just frigging thrilled you tuned into today to read about my child’s excretion patterns?
I am so proud, this is now truly a ‘mommy blog’ (I actually blogged about poop)! Oh yeah, and I am pretty happy with Georgia too! I can’t pretend I didn’t know it was coming she has been demanding “clean diapers” for several days now and announcing all her bodily functions as they occur.
Hmmm … what to do? I think that the ‘NO fail potty training programâ„¢’ may just have to be revised into a condensed and intensified program for more gifted tots. It’ll be the ‘Supreme NO fail potty training programâ„¢’ and will be offered for just 5 short days.
Send me $15 to: pooping @ thebabymarketplace dot com and I will email you the ‘NO fail potty training programâ„¢’! JUST.KIDDING. DO. NOT. SEND. $.
To celebrate all the “poop” –> I am giving away one Imse Vimse Training Pant. The winner can choose the size and we’ll pick the print.
Comfortable cotton panty that helps with toilet training.
- Trains your child to stop using nappies.
- The child feels when it has wet, which shortens the nappy period.
- More wholesome and natural for your child, and the family saves time and money.
- Saves clothes from little accidents.
These training pants are from Sweden and they are FAB!
To be eligible to win just leave me a comment AND share any potty training tips.
Note: Due to Retailer/Supplier agreement I am unable to extend the Jammin’ in July coupon to the Imse Vimse trainging pants.
I’m giving away a FREE product every week day until the end of July. Read more here: Contest Details
Visit www.thebabymarketplace.com for a great selection of baby shoes and baby clothes, cloth diapers too, and don’t forget the baby toys!
Mrs. Pear · July 9, 2007 at 9:39 pm
Oh, I would love to win this! Our daughter is at the age where it is time to work on this, we were, but then we got pregnant and miscarried, and then we moved, and now life is almost normal, after all we have been in our home for 3 weeks plus 4 days!
Michelle · July 9, 2007 at 9:46 pm
My 19 month just figured out how to take off his diapers this evening. He managed to get his shorts down undo the diaper and then get the shorts back up. All in the matter of minutes!! I seriously thought his sister had done it!
We used stickers and tattoos as rewards for our daughter worked well for her!
Beth · July 9, 2007 at 9:55 pm
These are cute-haven’t started this process yet, but it is coming up! Not giving out any tips, only taking them for now :)
Andrea · July 9, 2007 at 10:10 pm
Hmmm…I haven’t OFFICIALLY started potty training yet…but I do try to get my 11 month boy to go pee on the potty once a day…and I have heard tons of good things are INFANT potty training…like starting when they are babies!!
Corey · July 9, 2007 at 10:14 pm
oooo how fun! I’d love this. My girl is just starting to potty train too. eeeekkk…I am not sure I am ready! Where did my baby go?
I have no tips…sorry!
Priya · July 9, 2007 at 10:31 pm
thats great dont think I am completely ready for this but I started PT when babe was 5 months old, she isnt potty trained though but I am glad she isnt scared of the potty seat or the toilet either, so a long way to go. I am waiting when she will cmmunicate back to me like georgia.Congrats on Potty graduation :)
Angella · July 9, 2007 at 10:33 pm
YOU are hilarious! And I just did a potty post! Funny :)
jenB · July 9, 2007 at 10:37 pm
Dude, even if I win this pair, I need to buy a couple. Char will be 16 and still in training pants.
lolly · July 9, 2007 at 10:47 pm
Oh, potty training! Tips from me? I have a whole blog post on it! The short version is: Let them do it! They will. And if your daughter is anything like mine (strong willed, determined, intense, but oh so lovable!), she won’t have it any other way. Praise, rewards, and especially anything that could be construed as punishment or coercion all resulted in complete and utter failure.
It’s long (but it was even longer in real life, trust me!) but there’s an unexpected, miraculous ending, if you’re interested in our experience, here: http://lollymom.com/2007/01/25/exhibit-b-the-potty-training-saga/
But those trainers look great! I’ll definitely need some in a year or so for my second daughter.
Deanne S. · July 9, 2007 at 11:29 pm
I totally agree with comment #9; My best advice is WAIT until they are ready and able or you are setting yourself up for MONTHS and MONTHS of training……I’m trying to get my second son trained and peeing is fine, but forget about pooping in the potty, no way, will hold it for days if you even suggest the idea!!! Very frustrating situation – gotta keep reminding myself he won’t be doing this for long….most kids aren’t wearing pull-ups in high school right? My third child is a girl, I hear they are easier….don’t tell me if you know any different. I don’t know if I could take it…
Richard · July 9, 2007 at 11:30 pm
Good Lord. Mine are too young to go to the potty.
Safire · July 10, 2007 at 6:36 am
No tips, just taking them right now. I’m gearing up to do this when she expresses some intrest. Those pants are super cute!
Susy-Q · July 10, 2007 at 7:15 am
I’m not quite there yet so I have no advice to give but I would love to win those training pants because my Dear Son will be needing them sooner than later. I remember my sister telling me about her “weekend potty training” technique and it worked. Imagine potty training in over a weekend? Poopy diapers on Friday, flushing poopies down the toilet on Monday. I’ll be giving that technique a try!
Julie · July 10, 2007 at 7:18 am
I’ve used the Imse Vimse swim pants and they’re great so I’m sure these training pants would be fantastic, too. No tips on potty training as my daughter is only 11 and a half mos old (although my mom tells me I was nearly potty trained at this age…WHAT??). A friend gave me the ‘No Cry Potty Training Solution’ for my baby shower so I’m sure I’ll be referring to that in the months/years to come.
Kait · July 10, 2007 at 7:21 am
Cute training pants. My son likes to pee on things (like Cheerios) that we float in the potty. Makes it more exciting. No tips for girls though!
Jamie · July 10, 2007 at 8:15 am
Me me me!
Training for us meant that we left whoever was in need of learning the potty technique naked.
Yup. Naked.
A couple of weeks later we had the carpets cleaned. :D
Mimi · July 10, 2007 at 8:34 am
I don’t have advice since my first baby is not there yet but a pair of training pants would be great in the near future!
liz · July 10, 2007 at 9:06 am
OH these would be oh so awesome!!!!!
Make potty training exciting.. Something that fits your child.. I tried using prizes.. that did not work.. What worked for my oldest son was Doing a pee pee dance and a poopy dance.. Yup.. he thought it was hysterical to see mommy do a funky dance about poopy and peepee and he wanted to keep seeing it. too bad It wasnt made into a video.. hahahaha
Cherylyn · July 10, 2007 at 9:08 am
I have decided not to rush the whole potty thing, especially after my wonderful sweet son who was not ready yet, accidently pooped and peed on a large quanity of books that were strategically placed around the potty so he could have something to do while on the potty. He got off and pooped on them instead. I haven’t even given training a thought since then! Hopefully soon! But way to go Georgia! That’s the best way!
carol · July 10, 2007 at 12:20 pm
We let my granddaughter put stickers on a picture of her using the potty. Shoe stickers were her favorite.
MonaB · July 10, 2007 at 2:07 pm
Training pants are gonna be really useful when my little one is at that stage. My grandma gave me some advice for when it is time for potty training is that some young children are afraid of going into the potty so when you think your little one is going to have a pee, run the water in the sink so that she will associate running water with going to the bathroom. This can ease the transition and soon she will start to pee in the potty, next step is having them poop in it. That will take more time but the principle is the same.
Good luck!
Penny · July 10, 2007 at 2:51 pm
You’d think after successfully potty training five kids, I’d have secrets to share!!LOL But, alas, I do not. I guess I could say, I just go with the FLOW!!(Bwhahaha) My girls all trained themselves, between 14mos-18mos, having been completely diaperfree both day and night by 22mos(sadly I can’t take any credit for it as I never started it and I never used an actual potty). My boys on the other hand, nadda! First was in trainers until 3.5yrs and my second boy was in diapers until a little past 3yrs. I have hopes for this baby boy, however, he is BOY!! We shall see, he’s only coming up 8mos!!LOL
God bless!! Penny
Lisa · July 10, 2007 at 3:36 pm
I need those!!! Potty training can not be rushed. Follow your child’s lead and you cannot go wrong.
alison · July 10, 2007 at 4:20 pm
I haven’t got to the potty training phase, but of course I have opinions. First off, I think the whole potty-train-your-infant is about the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of. You aren’t training your baby, you’re training yourself to hold them over the toilet all day long. Second, if your child doesn’t want to use the toilet, they won’t. Third, if he/she is asking to use the potty, tries to use the potty, tells you when he/she needs to go potty . . . well then, they obviously would like to use the potty. Being “trained” to use the toilet is really just a choice to start using the toilet and can’t be made by anyone, but the child.
So, there’s my two cents (or maybe it’s four cents worth).
Heather · July 10, 2007 at 5:57 pm
We made a “potty box” with small prizes in it like toy cars, stickers, etc. All it took was about 2 days with my olderst son and about a week with my younger son and then they were in undies all day long! I can only hope that it goes so smoothly with my twins. LOL
Lesha Anderson · July 10, 2007 at 6:08 pm
I don’t have any tips right now, but I should be potty training my son soon! :)
Kami · July 10, 2007 at 6:17 pm
Those are cute pants but count me out on the contest, my kids are trained. And for that I am eternally grateful.
I would LOVE to hear your stories of potty training :-)
hmama · July 10, 2007 at 7:10 pm
I have these training pants already from your site. There is no other training pant that compares to this one. We would love another pair.
Karyne · July 10, 2007 at 7:52 pm
One trick : pennies in the little bank. My daughter could stay on the potty for a looooooong time and then do the pipi. Can you read french??? (elle pouvait mettre des sous dans sa petite banque tout en restant sur le pot et finalement faire son pipi). It will cost you a lot of change!!!
Yan · July 10, 2007 at 10:18 pm
We not potty trained yet, so no tips here, but love reading them :)
Pam · July 10, 2007 at 10:52 pm
Potty training? My daughter has far cloth diapers that are far to cute to consider potty training her! (can you tell I like cute cloth diapers?) She is only 10 months though. I’m hoping to start training her around 18 months, unless she seems to be ready before then. I guess my potty training tip is to wait until they are ready. I know one mom who started potty training at under six months. She spends way more time holding her baby over a toilet to pee than I spend changing diapers. But if it works for some people all the power to them it just wouldn’t work for me.
Pam · July 11, 2007 at 9:44 am
Oh, I thought of a couple of tips. Well, they are sort of tips. The first is to make sure the toilet paper is within reach of the kid…next to the toilet not on a wall across from it, and the other is that you can get toilet seats that look like normal toilet seats but they have a second smaller seat that is built right in and it just flips down between the regular seat and the lid and then you wouldn’t need a small potty on the floor if you have a tiny bathroom.
Priya · July 11, 2007 at 11:12 am
my potty training tips for babies-
Give them toys,pacifier- helps them relax.
Turn the water tap on to a slow trickle, the sound makes me even pee. I use the psss cue for my DD but in India where I come from thats the cue used to train even older kids.Another thing i came up with is to blow air to her face if she doesnt go..The cool air on her face totally relaxes her and she goes. U can do it by mouth or I also use a paper to fan her.
Once they do it there for a couple of time they usually associate the potty with eliminations.
For older kids, I know my friend would make her 3 year old very proud of her undies, all fancy princess, dora , characters that she likes and that would make her not soil her fav panties and would tell her mom that she wanted to go.
Ann · July 11, 2007 at 2:02 pm
I’m a first time mom so i don’t have any tips for anyone yet. Heck, I’m trying to read as much as possible so i’ll be ready when my twin girls are:)
Linsey Knerl · July 11, 2007 at 2:41 pm
Oooh.. I just wrote about potty training on my site. It is such a challenge. With 2 more to train, I would love these pants! Thanks!
Janice · July 11, 2007 at 5:17 pm
Wow, it took me about three peeks to realize you said right at the start of the post you were giving away two at the end of today, not one yesterday. Brain power where are you?
I would love to try these out, though we are a year away, at least.
I have no tips since this is my first, but enjoy reading the other commenters’ tips.
We are not going to rush it, I know that. Bubba (11 1/2 months) is interested in the potty and people using the potty, and t.p., etc. I just talk to him about it like everything else in the course of the day. You know, commenting that pee pee goes in the potty, and when he does pee while being changed I tell him he is going pee-pee. Hoping it will all come together.
Oh, we are doing a bit of baby signs, and every time I can tell he is pooping, I do the sign for that. Who knows if it will help, but it won’t hurt. A friend of ours is horrified by the sign. Hee hee.
Gingers Mom · July 11, 2007 at 5:18 pm
I found my girl SO much easier to train. 2 days of being completely naked and Voila! Of course it took me 6 months after that to get her to wear clothes at all. You pay your dues no matter how you look at it I guess.
tanyetta · July 11, 2007 at 7:09 pm
i need all the help i can get. my son will be 3 in october and we’re not even close to making it happen.
Stacey · July 11, 2007 at 7:15 pm
My son is almost two, and we sort of just let him do his thing. Once he was interested, we took him about every hour. We’re slowly making our way to diaper-free!! Horray!! And I LOVE cloth diapers!
nikkapotamus · July 11, 2007 at 7:23 pm
Congrats! We just can’t manage to get the potty IN the potty yet. She can sit there, grunt, and wipe. Then she jumps up, flushes the potty, and proceeds to run to another room, diaper-less, and goes on the floor. So I’m definitely reading ALL these comments for good ideas! The NO fail plan sounds intriguing, please tell us more!
Laura · July 11, 2007 at 8:16 pm
I don’t have any tips, I am a miserable failure.
Since my twins were born, we told their older brother, ‘Go in your diaper!’. He’s kind of partial to it now.
I’m less concerned about all this (he can’t do it forever, right?) and more about what people think when they see my just-turned-3-year-old who LOOKS 5 or 6 (it’s not just his size, he looks mature) STILL WEARING A DIAPER.
Laura · July 11, 2007 at 8:17 pm
Yes. I am superficial.
Florrie Wiliiams · July 15, 2007 at 10:51 pm
Thanks for getting out from behind that damn computer and attending the wedding. You have a great sense of humor and of course it is even better in person. Enjoy your summer weekends and remember all the wonderful memories your making with those beautiful children. Your doing a great job. lol Aunty:)
Jason · July 1, 2008 at 3:24 pm
I want to hear more about the no fail potty training system. Sounds very useful!
Jason’s last blog post..McDonough Wool Carpets
Christa Niravong · July 29, 2008 at 6:27 pm
I started Elimination Communication with my daughter at 3 weeks and she is doing great. She is 7 months now and I want to start looking for training pants for her and the Imse Vimse brand seems like one of the best out there. They seem to have the smallest sizes.
Cory · July 9, 2011 at 11:49 pm
We took our son to a local cloth diaper store, tried on and purchased a pair of Imse Vimse and they fit great – cant wait to try them – would love to have another pair! I love the style and prints available – it helps to have a book or toy they can play with while on the potty.