I am the Worst (& Power Ranger winners)
I am the worst, I repeat WORST kind of Christmas shopper. Firstly, I go without a list or a plan. I wander around buying the first thing I see. The worst part of it is, I buy MYSELF something in nearly every store. Tonight I bought myself a memory card for my camera, 3 books, a leather weekender bag, box of oranges (not really so bad), deep conditioning hair treatment and a pair of acorn slippers.
I am planning to be a tad less selfish tomorrow when I head over to toys r us. Lets just hope they don’t have a wii-fit in stock or my Christmas budget will be blown all to hell.
I came home … went through all the purchases, with Mr. MK. He confiscated 2 of the 3 books, mostly because I had emailed him earlier in the day saying I WANTED them for Christmas. He thanked me kindly for helping him with his shopping. The 3rd book I sat on before he could see it. I really want to read it NOW, and will shortly as it is now on my bedside table.
I promised to share the oranges, the hair treatment and admitted I was a selfish twit (he already knows this and doesn’t care). Then I made a list of what I still need to buy —> Like that’ll work!
So how is your Christmas shopping going?
The Power Ranger Action Figure Winners are:
#1: Andrea from ‘The Laughs will go on‘
#2: Outside Voice
All blog posts for the contest were printed and put in a big plastic tupperware bowl. Mr. MK chose winner #1 and Lizzy who should be in bed asleep choose winner #2.
Please email me to claim your prize –> kim (at) mommyknows (dot) com
MK xo
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Aunti Gayle · December 1, 2008 at 10:54 pm
You are very bad, and you’re also fortunate to have such a great husband. Now, smarten up and shop properly! I have NEVER done that. ;)
Hannah · December 2, 2008 at 1:01 am
Hehe, I’m sure you will be able to buy fewer things for yourself at Toys R Us!!! Although I’d steer clear of the electronic gaming section, by the sound of things ;-)
Hannah’s last blog post..Oriental drift
Susy-Q · December 2, 2008 at 5:32 am
I heard somewhere that people buy other people presents that they would like to receive themselves so its not so strange that you decided to buy yourself stuff–you were just more honest about it than most people!
I wouldn’t mind a little Wii myself, but since I am done ALL my shopping, I have no excuse to go out and get one.
Susy-Q’s last blog post..It’s a…
One Scrappy Gal · December 2, 2008 at 6:14 am
I finished all my shopping back in September. So I am terribly bored. I’ve gotten a few things here and there for the stockings…
To fill the void… I’ve been shopping for Valentines and Easter.
You want to wring my neck right?
I think next year…I will wait until the last minute. I miss that… feeling annoyed/stressed/frustrated feeling that comes with fighting the crowds at the last minute.
One Scrappy Gal’s last blog post..Heavy hearted…
One Scrappy Gal · December 2, 2008 at 6:14 am
What in the world are acorn slippers? Is it what I’m imagining?
One Scrappy Gal’s last blog post..Heavy hearted…
Safire · December 2, 2008 at 6:15 am
I think my Christmas shopping is done, although I feel like I am forgetting something this year. I always want to buy something for myself but never do. At Christmas, I always wish I had bought something for myself so I could have something I really wanted. Does that sound selfish? My hubby is not the greatest shopper…sigh.
Safire’s last blog post..Drowing!
Jenn B · December 2, 2008 at 7:12 am
oh, you’re not the worst, believe me. last year, other than 2 gifts bought via amazon (& shipped directly), i did NO christmas shopping. Didn’t even get my husband or kids anything (husband & i agreed not to, kids were 2 & 1 & had tons of presents from grandparents so we figured we’d take advantage of our last year of ignorance).
I am terrible at coming up with gift ideas & thus, i tend to put it off as long as possible (not to mention being overwhelmed by trying to figure out how to afford gifts for everyone i’d LIKE to get for). I think this will be my first year of “real” christmas shopping… wish me luck. ;)
though i do think i’ll utilize amazon as much as possible…i like not leaving my home.
Jenn B’s last blog post..Twitter Updates for 2008-12-01
Dara · December 2, 2008 at 11:35 am
Well, I have found that I do the same thing in stores. I end up wandering aimlessly and just grab stuff to get the heck out of there ASAP. My Mom does the same, but just buys people things that *she* wants…whether they’d like it or not. I’ve found that the best way to get around this is using eBay. It’s hard to wander aimlessly in your own home =)
jafer · December 2, 2008 at 1:52 pm
OMG, I am just like that. I go out shopping for others and come home with more things for me than for anyone else.
And I feel guilty for it. But I do it anyway.
jafer’s last blog post..Wax-er-i-fic
Cindi · December 2, 2008 at 6:27 pm
That is my kind of shopping! Congratulations to the two winners!
kategvt · December 2, 2008 at 6:53 pm
almost done…i’m find thing the web shopping is totally exhausting…i signed up for ebates and now everytime i go through their site…then i obsess about finding the best deal. plus, we are all broke down here and shouldn’t be spending any money!
sarah · December 2, 2008 at 7:00 pm
i am SOOOO far behind on the christmas shopping! i really have to get a move on things, but i’m so busy working on christmas cards. hehhe.
did you manage to get your hands on a wii fit?
sarah’s last blog post..New challenges all around!
Oliver · December 4, 2008 at 2:29 pm
I regret to say that I haven’t started Christmas shopping yet :( I really need to start! I also want to get a Wii Fit for my parents, but I really can’t find one anywhere at all.
Hopefully one will pop up someone.
Congratulations on the winners btw! :)
John · December 4, 2008 at 9:08 pm
I’ve got the perfect method for Christmas shopping.I use it every year.It’s so so simple–I get my wife to do it all. I won’t even go near a shopping mall in the Christmas rush.I just say “look dear you know I can’t buy stuff that people like but you now ,you are inspired.You know exactly what to get for big fat aunty Tilly and that spoilt little brat of a nephew of ours–go on do your worst.Get something for yourself while your at it–you know I can’t buy clothes you like so you choose it.And don’t buy anything for me I’m going to forget about Christmas this year”.That really gets her mojo going and makes sure she will get me something real good just so I can’t forget about Christmas.Oh what a rat I am.Oh well thats just how it is.
Anna Liza Alfafara · December 10, 2008 at 7:34 pm
Don’t worry you are not alone. I am very much like you, i get fascinated by cute little things very often, id end up wanting to buy them..
I just hope id be more focused this time, coz i need to buy a lot of stuff for me and kid’s Christmas party next week..
Carrie · December 12, 2008 at 4:18 pm
This makes me feel better. I am a terrible shopper and also wonder around with no plan. I didn’t realize how bad this is till you pointed it, though. I need to up my game.
Mike · April 9, 2011 at 2:35 pm
A good set of shopping! And slippers and oranges well affect health! :)
Happy Book Day to You! | mommyknows.com · December 20, 2008 at 2:14 pm
[…] a while back, I went Christmas shopping, and come home with a b’zillion gifts for me? Remember the book that I hid from my lovely husband and could hardly wait to read? This is […]