Hayley’s Going to Recife!
Where is Recife you ask? BRAZIL … it looks fab! Well you can see that yourself from the picture posted below!
Why? For adventure of course!
When? Not until August when she’ll fly off and live with several other families for 10 months. She will be attending school as well, ALL in portuguese!
How? Well, that was actually the REALLY DIFFICULT part, after a long and arduous application process she has been accepted to the Rotary Youth Exchange Program.
We are excited for her, but it won’t be the same around here with out her!
1 Comment
Thiago · April 10, 2007 at 8:02 am
Hi there! It is really a great city! hehe
Guess Who I am! Hayley´s host brother! =)
We are very happy for having just received Hayley´s Guarantee Form! And, I am particularly excited for finding your websites! =)
Please, add me on MSN for us to chat! Let us have your MSN e-mail addresses (yours, hayley´s, dad´s, etc) =) hehe
Looking forward to hear from you all,
Take care,
Sweet Dreams,
Thiago (thiago_gondim@hotmail.com)
PS.: Do not worry about your daughter. My mom (and family, in general) is pretty affectionate and caring. =) Everything is going to work out just the best way!
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