Gone Skiing
We spent the day skiing in Banff. I love to ski at Sunshine.
The image above was taken as my 3/365 photo. It’s about the tenth time I’ve taken a photo from exactly the same spot. That tree, the rugged terrain. I’ll never tire of trying to capture the beauty of it.
I never ski by that spot without stopping. Do you have a favorite spot outdoors?
1 Comment
Jo · January 4, 2012 at 6:39 pm
Nice! Can’t blame you for always stopping. My DH and I love a specific spot on our way to LLB just south of Boyle. It’s a boggy spot, but it’s just soooooo green and lush in the spring and summer, and so colorful in the fall. Whenever we pass by it, we always say “oh, here comes our favourite spot!!”. It’s awesome!!!