Disney – Here We Come (MAYBE)

Winter feels like FOREVER this year and I have holidays on my mind. Will (dh) would like a “do nothing” holiday with NO kids, but I know that if I leave home without the kids, I’ll spend most of the trip thinking – Lizzy would have loved this OR Sam would love this! And of course the rest of the the trip saying “Oh, we have to come back here with the kids”!
So my thinking is we should just all go together. We have done Disneyland several times, but not Walt Disney World. We have put it off by telling the kids that we will wait for Sam to reach the magical height of 48″ — that seems to be the “ride anything” height in the Magic Kingdom. Even the kiddies seem to think this is a reasonable excuse!
On a trip to the health unit on Thursday, we measured Sam at 47″ and he let out a LOUD “WOOHOO, only ONE more inch and we’re going to Disney World!” There were lots of chuckles and a some clapping and jumping from his crazy baby sister (his private cheering squad).
“Did you hear that Dad?” Just one more inch, you’d better start saving sugar they grow really fast!
1 Comment
Betty · February 26, 2007 at 2:40 am
Wow!! Get growing Sam, Grandma & Poppa want to go with you! PLEASE! At least Grams does, but I am sure we can get Poppa interested too.
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