A Lazy Mommy Blogger
A Lazy Mommy Blogger …
Mostly because, we’re too busy enjoying summer.
In the heart of Edmonton (Alberta’s capital) is our Legislative Buildings. There are about 2 city blocks of fountains in front of them (this is about 1/4 of them). Pretty eh?
Up here where the summers are short. We don’t just look at our fountains, we get right in. It’s encouraged … take advantage of the weather while you can.
There are waterfalls and steps to climb. I don’t know about your kids, but mine LOVE water. If there’s water they’re in it.
There are about 30 of these particular mini-fountains, of course these three … all want in at the same time.
Everything is better with a friend. This is Sam’ and his buddy Ryan.
It wouldn’t be a summer day at the park without a picnic.
What are you doing to pass the summer? I want to know … blog about it … comment about it.
MK xo
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Hannah · August 12, 2008 at 8:49 pm
Oh man, my boys would just LOVE to play in that waterfall!!!! They’d be in heaven.
It’s not summer here, so I can’t answer your question! I’m passing the winter by looking forward to summer though, LOL :-)
Hannah’s last blog post..Olympic fever
Cindi · August 12, 2008 at 11:13 pm
My two sons are getting ready for school! One begins next week and the other a week from that! They are spending time with their friends playing basketball, sand volleyball and riding their bikes. Cindi
Jenn B · August 13, 2008 at 3:13 am
nice! we recently had a ‘fountain outing’ w/the camera on hand. as well. (not sure if this link will work…let’s see….) Fun at the Fountain
Jenn B’s last blog post..Twitter Updates for 2008-08-12
Jenn B · August 13, 2008 at 3:15 am
oops. sorry…. will try again here….
Jenn B’s last blog post..Twitter Updates for 2008-08-12
JaimeS · August 13, 2008 at 11:28 am
Playing in water fountains is frowned upon here… though we do have a wealth of spray parks for the kiddos! Looks like great fun though. We have been camping a couple times, spending time paddling in our canoe, hiding from the heat. It actually hasn’t been too hot this year so its been really nice. I miss our waterpark we set up last year in the back. Just not as much drive to do it this year as Tala’s best friend moved from next door.
JaimeS’s last blog post..Products Going Down Hill/Hands in Too Many Pots?
Tara R · August 13, 2008 at 2:58 pm
I remember doing that very same thing in that very same place :)
Tara R’s last blog post..Mostly Wordless Wednesday
mama k · August 16, 2008 at 12:29 pm
Yeah, no playing in the fountains here. But we are fortunate to live near the beach and we go as much as we can (get ourselves over there that is).
mama k’s last blog post..true confession
Justine · August 16, 2008 at 5:56 pm
Thanks for putting this on your blog, great pictures of our fab day out with the kids,
hot girls · August 17, 2008 at 9:03 am
Very nice to have such fine displays in front of your city building. In my local city we have a mad made lake but the water seems to stay a green color despite them spending millions of dollars 4 years ago to digg it up and aparently get rid of all of the weed from the bottom of the lake. After filling the lake back up, the water came back to green and the algae also came back as well.
I live in Regina, Saskatchewan here in Canada and the digging event is often called the big dig.