I’m Back on the Green Smoothie Wagon

So these resolutions I made are hard to keep, even when I want to. I’ve manage to keep two of the three so far. I’ve blogged every week-day (Monday through Friday) and I have also managed to take and upload a photo everyday to Flickr (so much easier using my iPhone 4, than my Nikon). I love my Nikon but really … the iPhone is just way, way, way easier. EASIER!
Sadly, I still forget to take pics while the action is going on and I usually snap something after all the action is finished …
This is Georgia at the ski hill after the racing was long over.
And this is the next day, after the kids had assembled and then started to dissemble for the group photography. What a great bunch of backs our team has.
This chick doesn’t really care, I just care that I took and uploaded a photo. Good, bad, even ugly (me not Georgia), I’ll upload pretty much anything these days.
If you haven’t guessed from the photos, we spent our weekend at the ski hill. Our club held four races over the weekend (it ain’t easy), and it was non-stop ski stuff. I’d barely unpacked from the Christmas vacation, there were no groceries in the house. Unless I wanted a rotten lettuce and cucumber smoothie (I didn’t) there was no ingredients to make my green smoothie and no energy or time to shop for ingredients on both Saturday and Sunday.
The race is finally over, the groceries are bought and a very tasty green smoothie was enjoyed by the whole family. tonight’s concoction –> Green apple, pear, orange, spinach, celery, lime, pineapple, ice and water. It was rather delicious!
I’m back on the wagon!
xo MK
Jo · January 11, 2012 at 7:50 am
Hey Kim, what are you putting in your smoothie? Are you getting any specific predone packs? Or, just putting together fruits and veggies?
iPhone Apps Marketing · January 12, 2012 at 2:23 am
First of all the photographs u made are awesome. iPhone is a easier way to upload photos to any blogs, etc., There are so many latest apps are present to do anything in iPhone. Your post sounds good… :)