Sam’s Shred Sled® Video Review (A++)

We arrived home from our Rockie Mountain vacation late last night. I think it was shortly after midnight. Sam had been sleeping, but perked right up when he saw the Shred Sled® waiting on the front step.

We let him open the box before sending him off to bed. He was up and practicing in the dining room before I was out of bed this morning.

By 2 o’clock this afternoon, he was looking like a pro!

Pretty cool, eh? He LOVES it!


Flip Video Giveaway

The winner is: Layna Burns Submitted on 2010/04/08 at 10:29pm Pick me! Pick me! My husbands new job has taken us far away from family. I’d love to be able to share the everyday with my mom and dad and brother. Thank you for the opportunity. Fingers X’d. Congratulations Layna! Read more…

Toy Tuesday Winner!

Congratulations to Jessie! Jessie Says: December 3rd, 2009 at 14:03 Our 5 year old is obsessed with everything that has to do with Dora, so the fact that she asked for a Barbie this year is a relief for my husband and I…. Finally something different !!!!!! For all the Read more…