I Love You So Much …

I took this photo of Georgia on Father’s Day (shows how far behind I am in photo editing).

i love you so much

It reminded me of her declaration of daughterly love that day.

The older kids had made their dad gifts at school. Mr. MK, had commented that, “(they) must love him a LOT to make him such great gifts”.

Not to be out done …

Hidden Love Notes

Today, like all other days I plopped myself down on the loo, and realized that there was NO toilet paper on the roll. As I stretched and contorted to reach into the vanity … I saw this note, written in sharpie on the side of a normally closed and rarely Read more…

Lizzy loves Chocolate …

Lizzy loves chocolate, well any sweets really. She also likes crafts. This morning we made some chocolate lollipops from a Wilton kit. Lizzy loved it — Can’t you tell. Thanks for all your kind comments and emails. I am actually feeling much better. The doctor actually made me go into Read more…